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Why is it easy to be bitten by dogs? Because these 8 body language of dogs are often misunderstood

Dog body language is complex, just as complex as people’s, with different meanings depending on the situation. However, many people misinterpret the dog’s thinking with human thinking, causing many irreparable attacks. Here are 8 oft-misunderstood dog body language:

1. Tail wagging


Dogs are known to wag their tails when they see us excited or happy, but they can also express other emotions by wagging their tails. Slight shaking, small amplitude, and greetings are often regarded as a tentative “hello”. Tail wagging tail after tail means the dog is happy and is a sign of conflict avoidance. “I am not dangerous to you”. Small shaking with high speed and amplitude is a signal that the dog is doing something, usually running or fighting.

2. Barking


Dogs bark when they sense aggression, fear, and defensiveness. But when a dog is playing tug of war with you or a friend, making low-pitched noises and wagging its tail, it’s really saying “have fun.” However, it is possible for a dog to do outrageous things if it goes mad. The master must stop the game.

3. smile


Wait for the puppy to bounce and throw the ball in front of you, and you can see the body language of opening its mouth and showing its teeth. But, there are other smiles that don’t mean happiness, maybe submissive ones. Small dogs often do this to larger dogs. The same body language can also indicate aggression, with dogs showing their teeth crookedly when biting. Another closed-mouthed patient smile that comes when the dog is stressed and uncomfortable. Of course, if someone else’s dog is “smiling,” you don’t know it, and it’s best to give space.

4. Put your ears on your head


A dog pressing its ears to its head can be a sign of stress in a dog. If it’s a dog you just met, keep your distance. If the dog is still baring its teeth and wagging its tail rapidly, the next step may be to attack.

5. Eye contact


As in the previous example, eye contact may vary between people and dogs. In general, people should not stare at a dog they have just met, it may be perceived as a threat. However, when dogs want to communicate with humans, they make eye contact and stare deeply. Research published in the journal Science in 2015 showed that when humans and dogs look at each other, the brains of the dog and our own increase oxytocin, making both partners happy.

6. Breathless


When the weather is hot or the dog is exercising strenuously, it will wheeze and wheeze. Also an indicator of stress. Panting can be a sign of stress, so pay attention to body language if your puppy seems hot and not tired. If it is a strange dog, keep your distance or stay away. If it’s your dog, it’s likely that the stress is being applied to drive away the stressor.

7. Yawn


Is the dog tired of yawning? However, puppies often yawn when they are upset, confused, and stressed. Sometimes, when meeting a new friend, a dog yawns as a calming signal. Unexpectedly, Dahan cut in dogs is contagious between humans and dogs, which may have different meanings.

8. Lick your lips


Letting a dog lick his mouth doesn’t have to be a tasty treat. Licking lips like a yawn is a steady signal that puppies use to show each other that there is no danger. This body language can also indicate fear, tension and stress. If the dog keeps licking its lips, think about whether it will feel uncomfortable.

Not only adults, but also children often misunderstand the behavior of dogs. The smaller the child, the easier it is to be bitten. Therefore, for everyone’s safety, it is very important to learn the cues of dog body language. If you like this article, please bookmark and share it. If you have any good opinions, we also welcome to communicate in the comment area.

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