EncyclopediaPet Training

Why do some dogs like to hide from their owners?

When raising a dog, I believe that many parents have seen the situation where the dog hides from you. In fact, there is a reason for the dog to do this. Let’s see which situation your dog belongs to!

① I just started contacting, I don’t know you well

If your dog has just been brought home, then it will not trust you too much. The dog will slowly observe you during this time, and will naturally avoid you and dare not approach you. .

If the owner wants to gain the trust of the dog, he must interact with it more, so that the dog will gradually trust you!


② There is something scary at home, it dare not come out

In fact, some dogs are very timid. If there is something in the house that makes them feel scared, then the dog will hide and dare not come out, and even tremble.


③ If you do something wrong, you are worried that the owner will beat it

Some dogs are very playful and destroy the owner’s things during the play. If they are worried about being blamed by the owner, the dog will naturally avoid you. It thinks that you will not be punished after your anger subsides. it’s gone.

If your dog is too naughty, you must train it more often!


④ Eating secretly, not wanting to share with the owner

Dogs are actually very greedy. If it has delicious food, it is not willing to share it with its owner, so it will hide from the owner, and it may hide under the bed to eat.


⑤ If you are sick or don’t have much time, you will hide from the owner

Some dogs will hide from their owners when they are sick, or when they know that they don’t have much time, because they don’t want to see their owners sad, so they hide under the bed before they die, so that their owners can’t find them .

Owners should care more about dogs, especially elderly dogs, and be sure to accompany them more!


⑥ Hate the master, it wants revenge on you

If you offend the dog, it will also find ways to retaliate against you. The dog will hate you, often avoid you, and don’t like being petted by you. It will also find opportunities to retaliate against you.


⑦ There was thunder or firecrackers outside

A dog’s hearing is very sensitive. It is very sensitive to sound. If there is thunder or fireworks or firecrackers outside, the dog will hide under the bed, and it will not dare to come out. Some dogs will also become incontinent. .

So the owner must not scare the dog with too much noise, otherwise it will definitely not like you!

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