Why do cats lose weight so quickly in summer?

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, which is worrying a group of shit shoveling officers. What happened?


It turned out to be the little face of his master, from round to chubby, getting thinner and thinner, and those big watery eyes getting more and more prominent, even if he took out all the cans of snacks, it couldn’t make up for the speed at which they were losing weight.
The shit shoveling officer’s inner monologue: what should I do? Is the master sick? But there is nothing wrong with eating, drinking, sleeping, and just losing weight inexplicably. After searching all search engines and visiting famous doctors all over the world, I finally found the legendary answer~ (The above process is purely for entertainment, please think about it as appropriate for readers)

First of all, is the fatness of cats really related to the season? The answer is no. The fatness and thinness of cats will be slightly related to the season, but the relationship is not very big. Most cats look thin in summer because of a lot of hair loss. Without the fluffy soft fur, the cat will look thinner than it actually is.

The second reason is that cats will feel very hot when the temperature reaches 30 degrees because the body temperature of cats is higher than that of humans. Overheated temperature will directly cause cats to have anorexia, so pay attention to hydrating cats in summer. Food can be appropriately reduced to dry food, mainly canned food with moisture.

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