Why can’t dogs keep the blow the air conditioning for a long time?

1: some puppies always like to destroy things, and even bite the owner’s hands and feet. This is because the dog’s baby teeth grow, which makes the dog feel very itchy. At this time, you need to buy some teeth grinding things for it, such as teeth grinding bone (made of cowhide, you can eat it), cleaning rope, dog bite stick, vegetable stick, etc. for the dog to chew, which will help reduce the puppy’s itching.

2: the normal BB color of dogs is generally: yellow or tawny, and some are darker or yellowish-white, mainly related to the food they eat. The standard of the dog cake for a healthy dog is: moderate softness and hardness, and it is best to have some traces when you pick up the ground with your hands.

3: No matter how hot the weather is, dogs can’t blow the air conditioner for a long time. Especially for puppies, try not to blow the air conditioner. This is very easy to catch cold and induce diseases. Even if you are blowing a fan, you should not blow the air outlet on the dog. When the weather is cold, you must pay attention to keep warm.

4: Puppies who have just arrived home cannot be bathed, especially puppies that have not been vaccinated. If it feels dirty, you can wipe the puppy’s body with a towel dipped in warm water, or you can buy a pet-specific dry cleaning powder to dry clean the dog’s body (more suitable for long-haired dogs).

5: just arrived in a new environment, the puppy may keep barking because of anxiety, especially when the lights are turned off at night to sleep. At this time, as the host, you should prepare enough food and water, prepare a warm and comfortable nest or cushion for it, use your soft old clothes to pad it, and place the nest where it can see you at any time. (such as bedside, bedroom wall), which can reduce its fear. If it still screams, turn on the light to comfort you without the first call, and comfort it twice, and it will naturally be quiet after a few days.

6: the problem of feeding, puppies are generally fed 3 to 4 times a day. If it is a puppy within one and a half months, it is recommended that you feed puppies special milk powder (the price is high) or baby skim milk powder. These things are easy to digest, and the nutrients are more suitable for puppies. 2 or 3 month old puppies can almost be fed puppy dog food, but they need to be soaked before feeding. In order to strengthen nutrition, you can properly feed some pet-specific nutritional products.

7: Puppies who have not been vaccinated within 3 months should not be taken out of the house.

8: As a living body, dogs can dream, snore, fart, and cry like humans. Don’t be surprised when you encounter these problems, it’s normal.


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