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What should I pay attention to when raising a cat?

Although many cat owners have already mastered the experience of raising cats, they still know little about raising cats. So what aspects should we pay attention to when raising cats? Pay attention to these 7 points!


give the cat enough space

Although a cat is relatively small in size, he also needs plenty of room to exercise so that he doesn’t get too depressed.

If the owner’s home space is small, you can make good use of the vertical space at home, install a higher climbing frame at home, or install a shelf on the wall. Let the cat play and rest on it, satisfy the cat’s nature, and make him feel more secure.


Home has 02 sealed windows

Everyone has heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”.

Cats living on high floors often jump out of windows out of curiosity, causing accidents. In a low rise house the cat may not be strong enough to kill, but could be injured or hit by a passerby who could sneak out and become a stray cat.

To avoid so many accidents, closing the windows at home is the wisest decision.


Keep Your Cat’s Living Environment Clean

If you want a cat to grow up healthily, it is very important to keep the cat’s living environment clean.

The owner needs to prepare a cat litter suitable for the cat and try to avoid dust. In addition, they should clean the cat’s parents diligently, twice a day, morning and evening, and change them once a week, and the homeowner should also be diligent in cleaning the house,

It can not only ensure the health of the owner and the cat, but also reduce the peculiar smell in the home.


04 vaccine, deworming

Don’t think that if cats don’t go out, they don’t need deworming and vaccination. The house or the balcony of the owner’s home will carry bacteria and parasites that may occur.

Therefore, in order to protect the health of cats, deworming work must be done regularly, and vaccinations must be done on a regular basis to ensure the health of cats and their owners.


keep your cat warm

Cats are warm, cold animals, even in summer, even if the weather is hot, cats are happy, but in winter, cats like to hide in warm places.

So when the weather starts to cool down, the owner will start to keep the cat warm. Except for hairless cats, healthy cats don’t need to wear clothes, and owners can prepare warm nests to help them survive the winter.

The weather in winter is also relatively dry, so the owner needs to encourage the cat to drink more water, and can feed some wet food appropriately to help the cat absorb more water.


clean your cat regularly

Cats are very clean animals, they clean themselves, so they don’t have to take a bath as often as dogs, generally speaking, a bath once a month or three months is enough.

Usually also observe the health of the cat’s ears and eyes, and clean them regularly.

Cats generally don’t like other people to touch these parts, so the owner must be gentle when cleaning. You can reward the cat with “freeze-drying” to appease the cat and make the cat obedient.


Ensuring a healthy diet for cats

When the cat eats, the sanitation of the tableware is also very important. The washbasin should be washed once a day to reduce the bacteria in it and ensure the health of the cat.

In the choice of cats, the owner can’t just be cheap. Inadequate cat food will only cause the cat to eat more, and nutrient intake can lead to stunted growth and weight loss.

If you want your cat to grow well, you need a nutritious cat food to provide nutrition. For example, “Greedy but not greasy natural cat food”, choose fish, chicken, beef and other meats, the meat content is high, and the protein content is about 38%-40%, which meets the nutritional needs of cats and allows cats to grow up healthily.

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