AnimalPet Training

What should I do if the dog poops and pees indiscriminately?

What should I do if the dog poops and pees indiscriminately? Fixed toilet: Do not change the location at will, otherwise it may cause the dog to urinate indiscriminately. Adjust the feeding time: “Timed and quantitative” feeding, so that it is better to observe their defecation. Immediate guidance: If the dog shows signs of defecating, if the dog is not used to going to the dog toilet, the owner should guide it to the dog toilet.

fixed toilet

We need to prepare a special dog toilet for dogs. The location of the dog toilet is set by the owner, and it is not necessary to buy a toilet so that it has a convenient place at home. What we have to do is to guide the dog in a certain area Just go to the toilet. In fact, dogs are very smart, and they will defecate at fixed points after being guided. The dog toilet should be placed in a ventilated place as much as possible. If the toilet is too humid, it is easy to suffer from skin diseases. Do not change the location at will, otherwise it may cause the dog to urinate randomly.

eating time

Adjust the dog’s eating time. If the dog usually eats whenever he wants, and there is no fixed feeding time, then it is necessary to adjust it and change it to “timed and quantitative” feeding, so that it is better to observe their defecation. Generally speaking, 15 minutes after the dog eats the dog food, it will start to show signs of wanting to go to the toilet. It will keep smelling the ground, and keep circling around, looking for a suitable place to defecate. Then you can take it to the bathroom. If the dog has pulled on the ground before, the owner should remember to clean it up, because the dog will defecate in the same place to prevent it from pulling again.

Seeing that the dog has signs of pooping, if the dog has no habit of going to the dog toilet, the owner should guide it to the dog toilet. If the dog can’t understand your guidance, the owner can put a leash on it in advance and lead it to the dog toilet. The dog may suddenly have no desire to defecate in the toilet. At this time, don’t let it out, let it stay on the dog toilet, encourage the dog to defecate, such as repeating ” defecate obediently” until it is pulled out. During this process, the owner should not keep watching it to add pressure to it. When the dog relaxes on the dog toilet, it will re-awaken the desire to defecate, and it will be convenient on the dog toilet. When it finishes defecating, stroke its head and back with your hands, and feed it treats as a reward.

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