EncyclopediaPet Training

What should I do if I get scratched by a kitten and bleed? don’t be nervous

Now many people have a cute kitten at home, and they will buy them a cute house for them to live in. Some households will also buy a companion for the kitten, so as not to make them feel lonely, and bring them with them regularly. They go for medical examinations, give them cat food, and let them have the best life. Some people say that sometimes they feel like they have to live like a cat. Maybe sometimes the money a cat owner needs to spend a month is the salary of an ordinary office worker.

What should I do if I get scratched by a kitten and bleed?
What should I do if I accidentally get scratched by a kitten while playing with it? Don’t worry at this time, many people think that it will be fine if you rinse it with water. If you don’t get caught deep, you can just rinse it off and you’re done. If you scratch the skin, it’s best to disinfect it, because anyway it’s broken. The skin may be infected with bacteria, you can disinfect it with alcohol, which is also safe.

What should I do if I get scratched by a kitten and bleed?
Don’t underestimate the bacterial infection ability of these animals. What if you are caught by a kitten and bleed? This is not a big problem. First of all, we need to squeeze out part of the blood, that is, squeeze out the part of the blood that was scratched. Try to squeeze out bacteria and viruses as much as possible, and then use iodine. To disinfect it, just apply it on it, and then wash off the iodine with alcohol. This is also a method.

What should I do if I get scratched by a kitten and bleed?
Also, if the scratch is serious, it is up to you to judge whether it is serious or not. If it is serious, you need to go to your local hospital to get vaccinated. Rabies has an incubation period of about ten days, but there are also slow ones. It is several years. In short, if you don’t deal with it, you will get sick. It’s just a matter of the length of time. The first is to see if the cat that scratches you is a sick cat, because a sick cat has the most bacteria. At this time, no matter what the scratch looks like, it is best to go to the hospital for a check, and it is also safe.

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