EncyclopediaPet Training

What does a cat’s whiskers do?

In addition to the big round eyes on the cute cat’s face, its iconic and charming little whiskers are the most attractive. Some people have wondered why cats have beards? Does it work? Hey, you’re right, don’t underestimate this little whisker, it’s very useful for cats. If you don’t believe me, just look down.

What does a cat’s whiskers do
Not only do cats have whiskers on their faces, but they also have small claws on their wrists. This is not what cats do to look good, but they all have their uses. The most obvious one is to identify the direction and positioning. Similar to the navigator used by people, it is a great tool to help cats in action. I don’t know if the breeders have discovered that the whiskers of cats are relatively thick, long and hard. In fact, they are connected with many nerves in cats. It is said that their sensitivity can even feel the flow in the air. , It can also adapt to the influence of gravity and wind direction when the cat moves, so as to avoid hitting objects. Therefore, it is very useful for cats to act in the dark or to hunt for food. If not, the actions of cats will become more clumsy.

What does a cat’s whiskers do
Secondly, the cat’s whiskers can also play a role in protecting its eyes, so this is why there are whiskers on the eyes, so that when moving in various environments, the whiskers can protect the eyes to a certain extent and avoid hurt. In addition, the cat’s beard is also a ruler, which can accurately know whether the place can pass. The whiskers on the claw wrists are good at helping cats hunt, which can effectively help cats sense the presence of prey, detect the location and activities of prey, and capture them from the start.

What does a cat’s whiskers do
Last but not least, a cat’s whiskers are also playful. It will show different states according to the cat’s mood. For example, when a cat is happy, the whiskers are relaxed and hanging on the sides, or they are standing up energetically. In a bad mood, even the whiskers are Is not the spirit of collapse. When it encounters an enemy, its tense beard stands back to protect itself. When in action, it probes forward, and it looks very cute when it moves.

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