EncyclopediaPet Training

What does a cat purr mean?

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The sound of a cat purring is actually a normal physiological state of a cat. When a cat feels happy, comfortable and secure, the falsetto in its throat will vibrate and cause the throat cavity to resonate. This will occur. kind of sound. The owner can often hear it when petting the cat, and some cats may also be accompanied by milking movements, which all express the cat’s great pleasure.

What does a cat purr mean?

When the cat wants you to play with it or shows that it is happy and content, it will purr to attract your attention, and it will be very lively and loud. When a cat sleeps next to its owner or is close to you, it is common to hear a continuous “purring” sound.

When cats grow up, they tend to retain some childhood habits, and purring is one of them. When cats are in a safe and stable environment, they will make purring sounds.

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