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These behaviors of dogs are actually insecure

Some dogs are very sensitive, clingy and care about gains and losses, so they will do a lot of annoying behaviors, but in fact they may be insecure, pet owners should not be foolish and ignorant.


hide and sleep

Dogs are very insecure. In order to seek shelter, they usually hide and sleep in secret places such as under the bed or sofa. They curl up and try to reduce their sense of existence. This behavior of dogs makes people feel distressed.

always follow you

When you are at home, the dog always stares at you, and follows you every step of the way when eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet. This may have something to like you, but the dog is more insecure, so they are Sticks to the owner like a dog skin plaster.


Stop the master as soon as he goes out

If the owner wants to go out, the dog keeps pulling the owner’s pants, or blocks the door to prevent the owner from going out. Dogs don’t want their owners to leave and are longing for companionship, which means they lack a sense of security and have separation anxiety. Don’t be foolish and ignorant.

like barking

As long as the owner is not around, or the dog cannot see the owner, the dog will bark and keep barking. In this case, the dog obviously lacks a sense of security. This behavior is disgusting. The owner should give it Do some independence training to reduce the barking.


like to sleep in the owner’s bed

The owner is not at home, the dog always stays at home alone, and they will feel bored and lonely, so they will often lie on the owner’s bed, smelling the owner’s smell will feel more at ease, and the dog will always stick to you Sleeping means that it lacks love and care and is extremely insecure inside.


will be jealous

If you treat other dogs well in front of it, or bring a new puppy home, some jealous dogs will be very angry and will not allow the owner to touch other pets, even new pets After a big fight, in the end, the inner sense of security is not enough.


often interrupt your work

Dogs always disturb you when you are working, circle around you, harass you constantly, or rub against you, let you touch it, the dog is asking for your attention, because the dog lacks a sense of security in his heart and thinks You ignore it because of something else.


Tibetan food

Many dogs who have stray experience will show hiding behavior. The first time they get food, they don’t think about having a full meal, but leave the food for their children, or hide it. If the dog still behaves like this, it means that it is extremely insecure in its heart. Even if the owner is always around, it will be afraid that it will have nothing to eat.

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