The pet turtle fell from the 8th floor and smashed the glass of the car

A pet turtle escaped from a gap in the balcony guardrail on the eighth floor and fell to the bottom of the building, smashing the rear window of the car.

In the video, passersby called out that the tortoise was too big, with lingering fears, and the consequences of hitting someone would be unimaginable. The photographer said that the owner of the tortoise has already dealt with the compensation for the repair of the car.

How much damage does falling objects do?

Falling objects from high altitude, the higher the height of the object, the faster the speed will be in the process of downward movement, the greater the kinetic energy converted into, and the greater the damage to the human body.

1. A 30-gram egg thrown from the 4th floor will cause a swollen lump; when thrown from the 8th floor, the scalp can be damaged; when thrown from the 18th floor, a person’s skull can be smashed; when thrown from the 25th floor It can cause people to die on the spot.

2. Empty beer bottles dropped from the heights of the 18th and 25th floors can cause fatal injuries; a 4cm iron nail dropped from the 18th floor can be inserted into the skull.

3. Empty cans dropped from the 15th floor can smash the skull, and dropped from the 25th floor can cause death; a palm-sized watermelon rind dropped from the 25th floor and hit the head can cause death.

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