
Can Dog Language Translator Really Translate What Dogs Say?

Many dog lovers can hardly live without the company of dogs. We get along with dogs day and night, but we can’t understand what they are saying. A dog language translator can really help us and dogs eliminate communication barriers. ?


Communication disorder between humans and dogs

In film, television and animation works, there are often talking dogs. They can express their joys, sorrows, and inner thoughts in words just like humans. Scientific research many years ago has proven that dogs with IQs can indeed think logically, and in addition to lacking human language, they can really understand human behavior.


talking dog in animation

As the saying goes, people have their own language, and animals have their own language. Although dogs have their own language, they cannot be understood by humans, so it is really difficult to communicate between humans and dogs. Sometimes we can’t wait for Doraemon’s translation of konjac jelly to hear what our dogs need and what feelings they want to express to us, but it is a dream after all.


It is in response to this demand that scientists have worked hard to find a way to decipher the language of dogs. It is said that as early as World War II, the German Nazi military focused on researching and training special forces who could interpret and communicate with military dogs in dog language. However, this research result was not reflected in the war, and we can generally understand that their research was not successful.
Only in recent years, European scientific researchers have finally developed a device that can recognize the simple barking of dogs, which can be used to distinguish the basic needs and emotions of dogs.

So the civilian dog bark interpreter also appeared. This kind of machine claims to be able to translate dog bark into human language, but the response is mediocre, because people generally do not believe it is true.

Japanese people are always very interested in this kind of interesting technology for civilian use. It didn’t take long for a cute “dog language translator” to appear in the Japanese market and loved by women. I’m hungry”, “I want to sleep”, “Hug me” and other human voices that please the owner.
According to the explanation of animal experts, this kind of dog language translator can only accurately interpret very few obvious dog intentions, such as being hungry, feeling unwell, wanting to go out for a walk, etc. These information are actually often raised by dogs. people can easily understand even without such a machine. As for the language of dogs, although humans sound like barking, it is actually very complicated and cannot be interpreted by human knowledge today. Therefore, the dog language translator is more like a toy, which meets the psychological needs of dog owners and increases pet interaction. pleasure.

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