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Seal pups pose on the beach

Seals are very cute animals, they look chubby and make people want to pinch their faces a few times at a glance. Especially some young seal pups, they look more cute, so that tourists can’t help but want to take pictures after seeing them. Recently, a very cute seal appeared on the beach in Norfolk, England. There was no female seal near the baby seal. The mother seal should have gone to the sea to find food and left the baby seal alone. on the beach.


The bored pup began to do all kinds of movements, as if to show off his perfect curves. Although from our human aesthetic point of view, the seal is just a little cute and a little funny, but it is this unique charm that makes a large number of tourists stop here. Tourists involuntarily pressed the shutter, and the little seal saw that its “stunning color” attracted the attention of the “two-legged beast”. to its prettiest side.


The cooperation of the little seal is beyond the phenomenon of tourists, and some tourists even said, “I think I can hold it and take a picture, it will not refuse!”. Many tourists posted this scene on social networking sites, and netizens were savagely attracted by its cuteness.

Some netizens said, “If you lack inspiration, here is a cute puppy.”

Another said: “Fortunately, this seal is not trapped in plastic waste.”

I think this netizen should have seen the same thing as me, that seal with plastic strangled in its neck, that scene is unforgettable…Plastic garbage has become the first enemy of marine life, and many marine life are caught every year. Plastic waste kills, including a large percentage of seal pups.

Local animal protectionists said that people must pay attention to five points when watching seals.

The first point is that tourists should keep a certain distance from the seals to avoid being attacked. Although the pups have a good temper, the female seals have a bad temper, and they may think that humans are going to attack the pups, so they attack.

The second point, do not stand between the baby seal and the female seal, blocking the view of the female seal.

The third point is to let pets stand in front to avoid when seals attack, pet dogs can help humans resist seals.

Fourth, don’t scare the little seals. The little seals often have poor swimming skills. If they are driven into the water, they are likely to drown.

Fifth, don’t take pictures, because the flash will frighten the seals.

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