Rabbits can actually understand human language

The IQ of a rabbit is roughly equivalent to that of a 3-4 year old human child. A rabbit is definitely not as smart as a cat or dog, and if they can understand it, they are definitely not as good as a dog, but a rabbit is not a fool.

Rabbits can understand family members, at least in part. What you often say to them, such as “eat meal”, “return to the nest”, “no way!”, etc., they can actually understand. Even though rabbits may not understand exactly what you’re saying, at least they can tell the tone of your voice, and it can tell from the tone of your voice if you’re angry and doing something you don’t allow.

When you allow Tutu to do what it likes, or stop it from doing something, Tutu can remember, and their memory is quite good.

Tutu’s character is actually quite stubborn, not as tame as dogs. Many times they actually understand, but they ignore you, so it will give people such a feeling. Rabbits have very different personalities, some are well behaved, some are very personal, and some are very rebellious.

If a rabbit is kept in a cage with only food and no one pays attention to it, it is impossible for it to understand anything. It takes training for your bunny to understand you. It is necessary to spend more time with them, talk to them more, and play with them, which will make the rabbit smarter and better interact with people.

When talking to Tutu, you might as well use more simple and fixed language, such as the above-mentioned “eat meal”, “No!”, “Come baby”… This will make Tutu easier to understand and remember. But if the rabbit understands and remembers, it does not mean that they will be obedient. This may mean that it remembers some things that are fun, but Mama is against it, so do it when Mama doesn’t see it. It’s actually the most mischievous and cute side of bunnies, after all they can’t do much damage.

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