EncyclopediaPet Training

Pitbull Dog Interesting Myths vs Real Facts

Pitbull dog are one of the most popular, yet misunderstood dog breeds. Many people believe that pitbulls are vicious dogs, but they simply need proper training and socialization to be excellent companions, just as all other dog breeds do. If you are wondering whether a pitbull would be a good fit for your family, research whether their characteristics align with your family’s values, and avoid pitbull myths and misconceptions without learning about these amazing dogs.

Myth-1 | Pitbulls Are loving Dogs.

Despite the fact that pitbulls were once used for blood sports such as bull baiting and dog fighting, it’s difficult to imagine these dogs as anything but cute, happy puppies when we see them in their cute little outfits and big smiles. This doesn’t mean that all pitbulls are dangerous or aggressive; in fact, many of them have been trained to be service dogs for people with disabilities. The nanny dog myth comes from the fact that pitbulls are extremely protective and loyal to their owners and children. Pitbulls will defend you with their lives, and they are excellent family dogs who enjoy cuddling with you on the couch and watching TV together.

Pitbulls Are loving Dogs.
Pitbulls Are loving Dogs.

Pits make wonderful companions for children because they are energetic and require a lot of exercise. They make excellent babysitters, provided you don’t expect them to take care of your child. A nanny is not a pitbull in the sense that you should leave your child in their care while you’re not around. You can allow your child to play with a well-behaved pitbull, but you should not expect them to babysit. Although pitbulls are very accepting and loving, they still require supervision as dogs.

Myth-2 | Pitbulls are said to have locking jaws.

Many people assume pitbulls have strong jaws because of their reputation as a dog that is really powerful. This is not true, though: Pitbulls do not have locking jaws, and locking jaws do not exist in a healthy dog. According to animal behaviorists and veterinarians, pitbulls may in fact be less inclined to bite than some other breeds. Even if a pitbull bites, they do not have the ability to lock their jaws. A dog’s behavior dictates when they relinquish their bite.


Pitbull dog were originally bred for their gameness, meaning their inclination to endure pain and hostility. Although this quality was an advantage for fighting dogs a century ago, it is not something modern pit-type dog breeders approve of. The gameness of the pit is probably the basis for the “lockjaw” myth, since some dogs refused to let go of a bite.

Pitbulls are said to have locking jaws.
Pitbulls are said to have locking jaws.

Some dogs are born with certain genes that make them bite harder than others. Pitbulls, for instance, are large breeds with powerful jaw muscles and big heads. Even the smallest dogs, however, are capable of biting with maximum force if they desire to. Many small dogs are fiercely protective of their owners and their territory, so they can be just as dangerous as a pitbull dog.

Myth-3 | Pitbull dog are more aggressive than more breeds.

Pitbulls don’t exhibit any apparent hostility toward people, according to common belief. A recently published study in the Journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science found that pitbull dog actually scored lower than average on measures of aggression toward other dogs on the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire.

Pitbulls are more aggressive than more breeds.
Pitbulls are more aggressive than more breeds.

Genetic make-up, early socialization, owner behavior, and owner treatment all contribute to a dog’s aggression. Dogs who are neglected or abused by their owners are more likely to become aggressive as adults, according to this study. Previous research has shown that dogs who are neglected or abused by their owners are far more likely to be aggressive than those who are treated well.

Myth-4 | Pitbulls are responsible for the majority of dog attacks.

It’s understandable why people think that pitbulls inflict maulings and deaths more often than any other breed. Pitbulls are not the only ones prone to aggression and violence. All dogs may bite, and according to CDC data, pitbulls are not responsible for as many dog bites as Dalmatians and Pekingese dogs, among others.

Pitbulls are responsible for the majority of dog attacks.
Pitbulls are responsible for the majority of dog attacks.

Despite the fact that pitbulls were prominently featured in the data, the majority of dog bite incidents do not involve pit-type dogs. Poor socialization and training are the primary causes of dog bite behaviour. You must be extremely careful when raising and educating your dog, since every dog has the potential to become aggressive.


Dogs must be raised properly in order to avoid becoming dangerous.

Pitbulls are just dogs, and it’s important to educate yourself about these myths and misconceptions to help others see past them. It’s also important to remember that they are just dogs. You can help the pitbull breed by spreading awareness throughout your community if a friend tells you that their grandpa’s pitbull was the greatest babysitter ever or if your neighbour insists that all pitbulls have locking jaws.

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