AnimalPet Training

One of the smallest cats in the world, whose hunting ability is three times that of a lion, is banned from all over the world

As one of the most favored pets of human beings, cats have won the favor of many human beings. It is such a soft and weak kitten. Its background is not small. We can go to the zoo to see tigers, lions and other fierce animals. It is also difficult for us to associate kittens with these fierce animals, but they can be called brothers in terms of blood relationship.

Scientists have conducted very in-depth research on this type of animal. After some data, it has been shown that these cats all share a common ancestor, which can be traced back to about 1800 years ago, and the origin is Asia. Due to the movement of the earth’s crust, coupled with the changes of topography and other reasons, they continued to differentiate and reproduce, and finally became the current species.

Domestic cats are not unique to modern people. There were domestic cats as early as 9,000 years ago. At that time, humans also loved cats very much. It can be seen that there is an inheritance of cats.

There are many kinds of cats, and most of them can be domesticated. We all know that domestic cats are generally not aggressive. For these cats, as long as they are cute enough, someone will pay for them. We like cats and we can keep them around, but there are some who like fierce tigers and dare not keep them in captivity.

Cognitively, we all know that the more ferocious cats are, such as tigers, etc., the better their ability to survive in the wild, especially the ability to hunt far beyond kittens. But there is a kind of kitten living in Africa, its hunting ability is not inferior to that of big cats such as tigers, and even surpasses it.

This cat living in Africa is called black-footed cat, which belongs to the feline unique to Africa, and has not been found in other areas. This kind of cat is a natural hunter. They have thick pads under their feet, which are helpful for them to catch their prey without making noise, making it easier to get close to catch, and the pads are still black, which is also its name. origin.

Black-footed cats are one of the smallest cats in the world. Their average weight is less than 2 kilograms. Compared with many domestic cats, their size is very small. Although it is relatively small in size, its personality is very irritable, which is very different from that of a domestic cat.

Black-footed cats live in broad grasslands, and their footprints can also be found in some bushes. Due to their small size, their main prey objects are some reptiles. The black-footed cat has great power in its small body. Although its prey objects are not large, it can fight against some animals that are more than 5 times its own body size, such as lambs.

The locals often make fun of the black-footed cat, don’t look at it’s small size, don’t mess with it, or you may regret it. Because they have extraordinary patience, especially in the face of their prey, they can lurk for a long time in search of a one-hit kill opportunity.

According to relevant records, some researchers have tracked and studied the living habits of thousands of black-footed cats. In order to find food, black-footed cats can track a distance of about 20 kilometers, and their success rate is quite high. Three times, it can be seen that its survivability in the wild is beyond doubt.

We all know that the more ferocious animals are, the more they like to live alone. For black-footed cats, they have a strong sense of territory, especially male black-footed cats like to use urine to mark their own territory, if not during estrus. If so, male black-footed cats don’t have much interest in females.

Even for such excellent hunters, it is not easy to survive on the African continent. In addition to being natural enemies, human influence has also led to a decrease in the number of black-footed cats every year.

Human activities are deadly to black-footed cats. Some humans have taken some means of poisoning in order to capture black-footed cats, resulting in a sharp decrease in their numbers. Now they have become an endangered species, and some African countries have taken measures. Corresponding measures, unfortunately, are not effective.

In today’s society, after the quality of human life has improved, pets have entered every household, among which kittens and dogs are the first choice of most people. It doesn’t matter if it’s a domestic pet, but some people set their sights on wild animals, and there is no killing without buying and selling. This sentence is too right.

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