‘Naughty but adorable’ pet goat in China that eats everything – screws, nails and clothes – becomes internet sensation

A playful goat kept by a family in China as a pet and allowed to enjoy a free lifestyle has become a minor celebrity on mainland social media.

The goat’s owner, surnamed Huang, from Shaanxi province in northwestern China, allows the 25kg animal, named Kaochuan, free rein of his home. Unlike most goats which tend to be docile, Kaochuan is a risk taker and likes to try and eat and play with everything he sees, Songshu Video reported.

In a viral video, Kaochuan is seen happily accompanying his owner, no matter where Huang goes or what he is doing.

In the clip, Huang is seen trying to weave a straw basket in his courtyard at home while Kaochuan jumps and runs around then bumps against Huang a few times. Huang tries to calm him down by kicking him away playfully, but Kaochuan does not give up.

When this did not work, Huang stood up and tied Kaochuan to a wooden chair. When he restarted his weaving work, Kaochuan put out his tongue and started to lick Huang’s elbow.

Kaochuan also showed a hungry curiosity about everything around him in the scene including a hammer, screws, nails and even a cat, attempting to taste and play with each in turn.

“Do you want to eat a screw too?” Huang asked Kaochuan.

On hearing this, Kaochuan closed his mouth, raised his head and glanced at Huang, then gave him a nod.

“OK, go try,” Huang said.

Later when they passed by some pieces of wood and nails scattered around, Kaochuan tried to eat these items as well, despite Huang trying to pull him away.

In one scene of the video, the naughty goat is seen nibbling on his owner’s T-shirt, eating a big piece of the garment.

Huang’s wife, who was not named, is also used to Kaochuan’s determination to not miss out on trying to eat everything. In another scene, as she is using some corn husks to light a fire for cooking a meal, Kaochuan races up to the stove and begins eating the husks.

“When you are eating, you really forget who your mum is,” Huang’s wife joked in the video.

The woman said Kaochuan is often very naughty around the house where he often annoys their other pets like driving the cat out of its basket and headbutting the family dog.

Kaochuan has gone viral on mainland Chinese social media, with many watching the video amused by the goat’s lively antics.

One person joked: “It perfectly explains that the one who is loved has no fear.”

Another said: “A naughty but adorable goat. Kaochuan definitely grows up in a family with lots of love.”

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