Pet TrainingWorld Pet

Is this the work that Nekoba is in love with?

Immediately, the cat’s voice was very cute, and it was very sticky. Do you love hometown cat music?

Hometown cat music

This cat is in the middle of the sand, so it’s really true. Against the cat’s tale, the claw is the most damaging weapon, and the aging horniness that must always be worn out has no advantage, so the claw is the cat’s nature, which is illegal.

In addition, the cat’s claws are sweaty, and the ability to secrete a kind of flavor.

However, it is not possible for me to polish my nails at home, because the practice of polishing my nails has been a constant failure, and it is unbearable that I have been exposed to such troubles at home. Since it is a small time, it is an accurate polish child to go to church.

There are a lot of cat’s nail polish boards, and that’s the cat’s nail board. Once you start, you can start brushing your front legs and brushing your nails.

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