Pet Training

Is there anything more terrifying than a stag surviving with the head of its companion?

A photographer once took a famous photo: the head of another stag is hung on the horns of a stag. Under such circumstances, the living stag still eats and lives normally every day, which is really impressive. Very timid.
stag body structure
Deer are not common in our lives, but we have seen them more or less in film and television works. People generally regard deer as a symbol of auspiciousness: in China, deer can bring wealth to human beings. The auspicious animal; and in foreign countries, the deer is Santa Claus’s cart mount.

However, deer in real life are not so good-tempered, especially stags in estrus. They generally have huge horns. If you use such horns to attack the enemy with all your strength, you can easily cause huge damage. kill.

In nature, we can often see hunters like leopards suffer from Waterloo while hunting stags, and their entire stomachs are stabbed in half.

The reason why deer’s horns are so lethal is that their horns are developed from a young age and are extremely hard; after their own horns grow, stags will find smooth tree trunks to polish their horns, making them become sharper.

Antlers are extremely important to stags, not only as a means of fighting, but also as a symbol of health. Male deer with huge horns are more likely to be favored by females. Therefore, the use of horns to fight between males is also a common phenomenon in the buck group.

Deer that live with the head of its own kind
During the estrus period, stags will compete with each other one after another, because in nature, the ultimate mission of animals is to reproduce as many offspring as possible, which is an instinct buried in their genes. However, the number of female deer is far smaller than that of male deer. Therefore, male deer can only decide whether they have the right to mate through fighting.

This process is extremely bloody for stags, and their huge horns are also very lethal to the same kind. They will bump into each other with a run-up, and the sharp forks of their horns may cause lifelong disabilities or scars on the bucks, but they never back down, because only the victor can leave their offspring.

And the photo of the stag living with the head of his companion taken by the photography office should also be the tragedy that happened after a battle.

During the fight, the antlers of the two stags were connected together and could not be easily separated. The stronger stag had to tear off the head of its companion and survive in this way…

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