Pet TrainingWorld Pet

In order to attract customers, the pet shop dresses up the dog as a panda!

From Chengdu, China The pet shop dyes the dog panda color

The owner of the pet store dyed the dog’s hair a panda color, and the result was a big hit with customers. I saw the dog’s round body lying in the cage, like a real giant panda baby. Unexpectedly, the dog barked twice in the next second, and immediately revealed his identity. Netizens joked when they saw this scene: Is this the legendary “bear”

It’s just a dog with panda colors.

The owner of the pet store deliberately dyed it in order to attract customers,

So there will be further misunderstandings.

At a time when everyone was excited about eating melons.

The dog also barked a few times to prove his identity!

The people around laughed and said:

“If this dog doesn’t bark twice, the pet store will probably be arrested.”

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