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If humans disappear from the earth, which animal is most likely to rule the earth? Scientists reveal the answer

Before the birth of mankind, dinosaurs once dominated the planet and ruled the earth for hundreds of millions of years. But I didn’t expect that an accident made them all extinct 65 million years ago, and later gave humans a chance to rule the earth again. This can’t help but lead us to think, if human beings go extinct one day, what kind of species will the new rulers of the earth be?


Primates that are more similar to humans may first come to mind, because their brains are more developed and have strong learning abilities. And thanks to the powerful genes of primates, they can quickly create a culture, and then generate a new civilization. Such speculation is not unreasonable. After all, when humans successfully evolved from apes to Homo sapiens who walked upright, it was the emergence of civilization that made them stand out among the many species.


However, there is another argument that is quite convincing. Primates are likely to end up in a similar way to humans. After all, they belong to very similar species, so the reasons for extinction are the same.


In fact, there is another species that has an advantage over primates, that is, worms, which are very typical invertebrates. They are very small in size, but the number is very large, and there are many kinds of them. It is very difficult to successfully kill them. At present, there are more than 1 million species of worms all over the world. They are distributed in various ecological fields and are of great help to human life. After all, they belong to a very special link in the food chain.


In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned organisms, there is also a microorganism without a cellular structure that should also be paid attention to. That is, a virus with extremely strong reproductive ability. Even if humans or other creatures are gone, the virus can continue to survive on the earth for tens of thousands of years.

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