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How to train owner awareness in front of pet dogs

Someone asked you, what is the main difference between a cat and a dog? You will definitely say that the lonely and stern cat has always regarded itself as the master, and the master who meets all its needs is of course its slave. This is the nature of a cat. In people’s eyes, it seems that it will never be fully fed. And those owners who keep cats as pets should be called cat slaves to be precise. Although it sounds indecent, it is just right. If it feels that you don’t want to be its minion, it will change immediately. How to change? Just find someone else who can be a cat slave. In the traditional sense, free-range cats in rural areas are rarely kept until they die of old age. They always disappear inexplicably after a period of time. There are many reasons for this, but whoever eats well lives in that family, which should account for a considerable part of it. There is an old saying that a cat is a traitor and a dog is a loyal minister.


Compared with dogs, the situation is much better, and there is no need to worry about them running out and not being able to find their way home, except of course the current pet dogs. The biggest characteristic of Gouzi is that it can adjust its position. They are loyal to their owners and family members. In daily life, they seldom seem willful like cats. They are very conscious of dogs and will consciously abide by their responsibilities. Under the feeling, the cat is noble, with the majesty and indifference of a superior. On the other hand, Gouzi has always been smiling, docile and easy-going is their normal state at home. But they also very much hope that strange life can appear once in a while, so that they can use their power reasonably and legally to refresh their sense of existence. Dogs rarely run away from home because of their owners. In the dog’s thinking, there is no concept of abandoning the family. This is how dogs that cannot be chased away and cats that are not well fed come into being.


The above mentioned are all the traditional Chinese people feeding cats and dogs. People at that time just regarded them as a kind of instrumental life in the family. Although they are different from chickens and ducks at home, they do not receive special treatment. It is different now, the process of social urbanization has brought many rural people into cities. People can no longer feed cats and dogs as in the past, let alone feed chickens and ducks that have been grown for thousands of years. Many people who have the plot of keeping cats and dogs can only raise a cat or a dog in a small room at home. As the life of the family, they have a completely different meaning compared with the past. They have become a tool for the owner to place his feelings on, and they can bring happiness to the owner. The change in the form of feeding them by people actually conforms to the law of social development, which is the indispensable adaptability for the survival of life.


Here, the case of cats will be left out for the time being, because they cause less confusion for people. Under the new situation, the dog has become the owner’s pet. With the enrichment and improvement of material life, pet dogs not only have food and clothing guaranteed, but most of them live a life superior to that of humans. As for their overall living conditions, there is no need to elaborate, as everyone knows about it. The owners who feed the dog are also different from the past because of the busy life and do not ask the dog. It is different now, with the change of family structure, feeding pet dogs has become the pursuit of many people. Here, apart from some people who pursue fashion, the vast majority of owners have devoted a lot of effort to them, and they have become a part of the owner’s life and a concern in the owner’s heart. Whoever said that his dog is not good, the owner can’t wait to play his life with him.


Even though people have had dogs for many years, how many of them really know dogs, or really care about them? The master only knows how to satisfy them blindly and treat them with his sincerity. But have you forgotten, what kind of animal is a dog? They have a hierarchical concept, a clear concept of status, a strong sense of territory, and they have emotions. They have the characteristics of bullying and fearing toughness, they will keenly observe everything about their masters, and they are also used to changing their status unconsciously with acquiescence. It wasn’t until one day that you discovered that the dog who used to be obedient to you was disobedient in many ways, or often made trouble for yourself. At this point, you should realize that the position between you and it has changed.


It is a kind of behavior against the natural law that the dog can exchange positions with the owner in the common life. It can cause many problems for you or others in daily life. They ignore your instructions, and protect your food, and their threats to you also increase. Unknowingly, in many aspects of daily life, it is the dog who is leading your behavior. Even when you go out for a walk, it is the dog that pulls you and guides the direction of walking. This dog is a problem that you raised inadvertently. It has regarded itself as the boss. And this boss position was handed over to it under the cover of your care and love. It also accepted it naturally. As a result, many problems came one after another. It lost the consciousness of being a dog, and you also lost the position of master.


Therefore, it is in front of you to make up your mind to regain the position of the boss. From a general point of view, pet dogs regard themselves as the boss of the family, which in itself is a betrayal of the owner. They have lost the most precious loyalty to the owner, and they will treat you and your family with the thinking of the boss. Such a dog What benefit do you raise? And many problems that arise from this are also unexpected. The meekness and cuteness are gone, and the random outbreak of wildness has become the norm. Let alone biting others, even the owner doesn’t pay attention to it. If you offend it, it will bite you without discussion. You don’t need to pay too much attention to these, aren’t there many dog owners who have been injured by their vicious dogs? But your dedication, your love, getting it in return, is it what you hoped for?


If you still plan to continue feeding it, you must beat it back to its original form, tell it to regain the awareness of being a dog, and tell it to understand who is the real boss. It may seem difficult to suppress its wildness and make it find itself, but if you are determined, the method is also simple. You don’t need to be so clear about the specifics, you will know how to do it. It is to do everything possible to establish your authority and strength in all aspects, combine the policy of combining rewards and punishments, and adjust and correct it.

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