AnimalPet Training

How to Train a Dog Effectively

Beating and scolding dogs is not a method to train dogs to obey subjects and correct wrong behaviors. It is random stimulation without being familiar with the physiological habits of dogs.

The easiest and most effective way to make the dog obey the command and correct wrong actions is to use the dog’s conditioned reflex training principle and the principle of differentiation inhibition training to train the dog.


The principle of conditioned reflex

The main reason for the dog’s disobedience is that there is no training, that is, the dog has not formed a conditioned reflex to the password (gesture). Conditioning is the bridge of communication and interaction between humans and dogs.

For example: if we want the dog to sit down when it hears the “sit” password, we must make the dog form a conditioned reflex to the “sit” password. The method is that the owner first gives the “sit” password, and after 1 to 2 seconds, he raises the collar and presses the waist down to force the dog to sit down, and then reward the dog with food or items. The owner gives the “sit” password again, and the dog sits down according to the order. This is that the dog has formed a preliminary conditioned reflex to the “sit” password, which should be continuously consolidated in the future training to prevent the dog subject from subsidence. This is the basic method of training dogs to be obedient.


The principle of differentiation inhibition

The principle of differentiation inhibition is that the owner should fully reward the dog’s correct actions or behaviors, but not reward or stimulate the dog’s bad behaviors and wrong actions, so that the dog can be more consolidated and confident in the correct behavior, and gradually subside the wrong behavior.

For example, dogs cannot be rewarded for bad behaviors such as picking food anywhere, barking at people and barking, and they must be corrected by strong stimulation methods; for dogs who actively obey passwords and adapt to correct behaviors such as traction, they must be fully rewarded to make them develop well. Habit.


To sum up, the simplest and most effective method is to use the combined training method to make the dog form a conditioned reflex to the password (gesture), and use the principle of differentiation inhibition to make the dog tend to the correct behavior. As long as we train scientifically, we can correct the wrong behavior of dogs and make them obedient.

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