EncyclopediaPet Training

How to train a cat not to be noisy at night

How to train a cat not to be noisy at night
1. Prepare a little more small toys for the cat, play with the cat during the day, and consume its energy;
The cat’s energy is limited. No matter how lively the little guy is, as long as he doesn’t let him sleep during the day and plays with him more, he will be tired at night and fall asleep easily. The shit shovel officer can prepare more small toys so that the cat can entertain himself during the day, and play with it for a while when he has time to consume the cat’s physical strength, and the little guy will sleep obediently at night.

2. Cultivate the habit of the cat to sleep on time, starting from the cat two or three years old to fix the sleeping time;

The cat should also have a stable work and rest time. From the time it is two or three months old, it begins to cultivate a fixed point of sleep at night, and cultivates a tacit understanding with the cat through some gesture commands. When it grows up, as long as the shovel officer makes The corresponding gesture, the cat can understand, know that it is time to sleep.

How to train a cat not to be noisy at night

3. Quietly stroke the cat before going to bed at night, hold it in your arms and stroke its back to coax the cat to sleep.

The cat is very dependent on the shoveler. Before going to sleep at night, it should be comforted and let it know how much the shoveler loves it. You can hold it in your arms and stroke its back, the kitten’s emotions are satisfied, and it will sleep peacefully like a baby.

The cat’s character is like a child. When it is noisy, the more angry the shovel officer is, the more roaring, the less the cat will be obedient. Instead, the cat will be obedient when the feces shovel officer comforts and coaxes it, so I want the cat not to make a fuss. , should play more during the day and comfort at night, rather than blame and punish.

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