AnimalPet Training

How to properly communicate with dogs?

Dogs can’t understand human language, and we can’t understand the meaning of dog barking. To communicate with dogs, we can only communicate with them through eyes, tone of voice, and actions. In the process of communication, we need Pay attention to what?

1. Eye contact

Eyes are the windows to the soul. This sentence is applicable to any creature on the earth. If our eyes are full of love and kindness when we look at it, then the dog can also understand our kindness and treat the dog affectionately. Watching is equivalent to an open dialogue.

But we must pay attention, although eye contact can convey feelings, but you can’t look at each other often, otherwise it will confuse the dog. When looking at each other, the owner should not take the initiative to leave the line of sight, otherwise it will think that its rank is higher than the owner, so it is easy to send wrong signals to it.

2. Language communication

The dog can’t understand any word we say, the reason why it can follow the command is because it remembers the tone and tone of the command. Dogs can sense emotions such as sadness and happiness from our language, and they can also judge what we want to say based on the frequency of the sound.

Therefore, when giving commands to the dog, the language should be crisp, concise, and clear, and don’t procrastinate, otherwise it will miss the point.


3. Physical contact communication

Two dogs will express their love for each other by licking each other’s fur, and the owner can also convey the same emotion to it by stroking. But when petting, don’t pet it suddenly from the top of its head, as this will scare it. The most suitable position for petting is the back and head and neck. Of course, let the dog get used to exposing the abdomen for the owner to pet, and it can also establish the authority of the owner .

4. Reward and punishment communication

The purpose of reward is to make it realize that its behavior is correct, and the purpose of punishment is to make it understand that its owner does not like its behavior.

Snacks, toys, verbal praise, and stroking are all means of rewards, and only verbal reprimands are sufficient for punishment. Do not punish violently, just let him know his mistake. There is no need to use violent methods to vent his emotions.

Whether it is a reward or a punishment, you must seize the opportunity, and you must give a right or wrong mark within 3 seconds after a behavior occurs, so that it can associate the reward and punishment process with the behavior just now, in order to receive better results. communication effect.

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