Pet Training

How Much Do Dogs “Love You”? Do you understand these 5 levels?

Many shit shovelers don’t know whether their dogs love them and how much they love them. So the editor summed up the 5 levels that dogs love you, come and see which level you are in!


first level

spy on you

If you find that your dog starts to observe you secretly, it means that it cares about you and likes you. We often say that liking someone starts with secretly looking at you. If you see a dog watching you, don’t poke it!


second level

wink at you

If you look into the dog’s eyes and it doesn’t look away, but blinks at you gently, or even gives you a wink, it means that the dog has fallen in love with you.


third level

Acting cute to you

After being with the dog for a while, your relationship becomes close, and the level of love for you has reached the third level. At this time, the dog likes to act coquettishly and play cute to you to make the owner happy, because it knows that doing so will make the owner better for itself.

If your dog usually likes to act like a baby to you, it means that you love it very much!


fourth level

nibble you often

If your dog often grabs your hand and bites you gently, but not very hard, it means that it likes you very much and wants to get closer to you. At this time, the pet owner can properly interact and play with the dog. It would be even better to use snacks as a reward, which can promote the relationship between you.


fifth level

You are all in my eyes for the rest of my life

A dog at the fifth level regards you as more important than itself. Since it recognizes you as its master, it has lived for you all its life. For you, it can go through fire and water, and even give its life. For the rest of its life, you are always in its eyes.

If there is an afterlife, I believe the dog still wants to find you as its family. To meet a dog who loves you so much, the pet owner should cherish it!

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