Giant pandas “Ruyi” and “Dingding” celebrate their birthdays in Moscow


On July 31, the Moscow Zoo celebrated the birthdays of the giant pandas “Ruyi” and “Dingding” from China. Male panda “Ruyi” was born on July 31, 2016 in Bifengxia Base, Ya’an, Sichuan, China, and female panda “Ding Ding” was born on July 30, 2017 at Shenshuping Base, Wolong, Sichuan, China, and they arrived in Moscow on April 29, 2019 , to start a 15-year sojourn life.

Giant panda “Ding Ding” eats bamboo.

The giant panda “Ruyi” enjoys his “birthday cake”.

People watch the giant panda “Ding Ding”.

People watch the giant panda “Ruyi” play.

In Moscow, the capital of Russia, people watch the giant panda “Ruyi” play.

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