furry child alone on camera

Many friends who have pets around them have installed home cameras at home so that they can check their pets’ conditions at home when they are outside.

Since there are home cameras, everyone has seen various states of pets at home alone. Some people saw the picture of the pet waiting for the owner to come home, which was warm and sour; some people were secretly happy when they saw the pet’s cute state easily disturbed by silence; some people were isolated because of the epidemic and could only use the camera “Take care” of them…

Today’s 3 short stories, I want to share the love and companionship between people and pets through the pictures captured by the camera.

My dog, Jiang Jiang, is a small poodle.

At first, I raised it with my ex-boyfriend. After I broke up with my ex-boyfriend two years ago, the sauce became very sticky to me.

This is a bit like a family structure change. Jiangjiang is a puppy with a relatively high IQ and a smarter dog, and it will have more thoughts, much like a child. It can even show some separation anxiety.


When he didn’t break up before, there were still people who could play with him at home. Now it can’t be alone, can’t help but see me. For example, if I go out without it, it will get angry and do something bad that it knows is wrong, such as urinating to let you know that it is not happy when it is alone at home.

Because I am more comfortable in my current job, I can take it to work. So basically I’m with it 24 hours a day.


When I was four or five months old, I got a camera. At first, I just wanted to see what it looks like. I didn’t expect that when I turned on the camera, my whole heart was broken, and it was waiting for me all day.

As long as I go out, no matter where I lie, I always look in the direction of the door. Maybe stand up every once in a while and walk for a while to see if anyone comes back at the door. Or just sleep at the door.

It kept looking at the door, sleeping all the time, not playing with toys, not eating.

I’ve tried to keep a delicious meat stick at home when I go out, or a snack that he likes very much. It didn’t start eating until the moment I opened the door. It is relieved to see that you are back.

And I found that the dog’s biological clock is relatively accurate. It probably knows when you will be back every day, so it will sit at the door about half an hour in advance. It really sits well, knowing that you are coming back soon.

If you’re late, it might wonder why you haven’t come back, and it might even put its head against the door to listen. That look is so pathetic.

I was very distressed and thought I was going home right away. I also take it out as much as possible, but there will definitely be occasions where I can’t take it, so I just don’t look at the camera from the back.

Jiangjiang is the kind of puppy with a more outgoing personality. He can’t be alone, and he really wants to socialize with others, whether it’s humans or other puppies.


So, when Jiangjiang was 6 months old, I was going to find a companion for it.

At that time, Jiangjiang would show interest in cats when he was outside, and would want to play with other cats. In a pet store where I often go to bathe, the clerk told me that your dog likes cats very much, and it is the kind that wants to play with them, not the kind that wants to hurt the cat. So I decided to find a “cat companion” for Jiangjiang.

I took Jiangjiang to the pet store to see which cats were not afraid of Jiangjiang. In the end, there was only one nest of puppets that could accept Jiangjiang, so I chose the one that was neither the most lively nor the most timid.


Compared with Jiangjiang, Waiwai is colder, doesn’t need me much, and doesn’t like going out.

After the crooked arrival, the sauce is still very sticky to me. Usually they fight each other, but after I go out, Jiangjiang will still wait for me to come back. Sometimes the crooked takes the initiative to look for the sauce, but the sauce doesn’t answer.

Now I usually take sauce with me when I go out, and Wai Wai will play at home by myself.

But I also found that going out with sauce can cause some troubles. I used to take a taxi when I went out, but with Jiangjiang I encountered a refusal several times, even though Jiangjiang is a well-behaved small dog.

So last May, I spent 40,000 yuan to buy a two-seater minicar, basically just taking it out to play.


In March of this year, Jiangjiang was diagnosed with hip dysplasia.

Just like a person, Jiangjiang’s daily activities also move its hip joints, which are worn every day. In addition, I didn’t know it had this disease at first, and it was very lively and liked to play, so the wear and tear was very serious.

When I found out, there was no way to take medicine for conservative treatment, so I had to do surgery to cut off the worn joints.

When I first had the surgery, I hadn’t slept well for two days. Now its left hind leg is in a state of muscle weakness and needs to be rehabilitated every day.

In fact, Jiangjiang is just like its name, very stubborn, very pain-tolerant, and very strong.

Many dog owners will say that they may be the dog’s mother, but for Jiangjiang, I think I am its sister. Because I love playing with it, and “Mom” probably takes care of it more. We are playmates and family.


Xiaomi is our cat. When he was 2 months old, he came to my house and is a very well behaved kitten.
He doesn’t usually bark very much, but when he wakes up in the morning, he will bark if he can’t see me. Sometimes it’s not sure if something can be done, and it calls me over. For example, if it runs to the kitchen, but is not sure if it can have fun in the kitchen, it will make a small cry.

I think Xiaomi is a little angel, especially human. For example, when I quarrel with my boyfriend, he will come and post us. In general, kittens will be closer to the person responsible for feeding them. But Xiaomi is the same to me as it is to my boyfriend, it knows that we are family.


However, Xiaomi is also very timid, especially afraid of strange men. So on May 18, when I learned that we were going to be quarantined, I chose to keep Xiaomi at home.

After making this decision, we started to set up the environment in a hurry. We prepared a large bucket of cat food, a bucket of water and a basin of water, put the drinking water into several small bowls, and prepared 3 cat litter boxes and 2 storage boxes.

We were in such a hurry to help the kittens set up the environment that we packed our own luggage in a hurry. After arriving at the hotel, I realized that I forgot to bring towels and slippers. I was still on my period and forgot to bring painkillers.

When I got to the hotel, I kept watching it from the camera. On the first day, it was also very excited to see so much food, and ate in a big mouth.

Excited for the first day at home

I tried talking to it with the camera again, calling it “baby” and “baby”. But maybe because I had never tried to speak in the camera before, Xiaomi didn’t know I was calling him at first, and there was no great response.

The next day, when I called it again, it started looking towards the camera, and it probably felt something was wrong. And then I basically talk to it every day after I wake up and coax it to drink water or something.

On the third day alone calling on the table

But I saw that the litter box in the camera was full within a few days. Once the litter box is full, the cat won’t want to go to the toilet. So on the third day, I contacted the property, and the property said that he could not come in because our unit was a sealed-off area.

I was very anxious, I joined a lot of pet groups in Beijing, and I sent a Weibo for help. Netizens have given me a lot of advice.

On the fifth day, the community contacted me and said that volunteers could come to my house to help my cat shovel and change the water. I added a volunteer’s WeChat account, a little brother. I said that I will give you 200 yuan each time, because I don’t want him to make a trip in vain, and our house is on the sixth floor, so it is not easy to make a trip.

The volunteer was very attentive. He shoveled Xiaomi’s cat litter from beginning to end for about 20 minutes, and then helped me change the water in the bucket. On the tenth day after that, he came to help shovel cat litter again.

Volunteers come to help shoveling cat litter

In fact, when the volunteer came to the door for the first time, Xiaomi probably thought it was us coming back, and rushed to the door and bumped him. But as soon as it realized it wasn’t us, it hurriedly hid under the sofa. It hid under the sofa for a long time before coming out, and it was very timid.

These dozen Tmall cats have been sleeping on the sofa in the living room without going to their den. There should be our scent on the sofa.

It usually goes to eat after getting up, then go to the toilet, and then go around the kitchen. I got it a small hanging basket on the balcony. Some people in our community can keep birds, so it will stand on the balcony hanging basket every day to watch the birds.

These things, I have been watching from the camera.

My cat came to me in the middle, but I didn’t see it. It was the tenth day, and I thought I should be able to leave, so I kept contacting our property and hotel. I didn’t look at the camera much during the day, and then I looked through the history at night, and I found that Xiaomi seemed to come to me.

By day 15, we could finally go back.

When we first went back, because we were afraid that the disinfectant water on our body would hurt it, we first sorted our clothes in the kitchen. As a result, Xiaomi found out that we were back, so he drilled into my arms and stuck it on me.

I was very sad for a moment, but very happy at the same time. I’m sad because I haven’t seen it for a long time, and I’m happy because I finally see it.


Kiki came to my house when she was two and a half months old.

My parents used to have two or three dogs, but they all passed away because of illness or accidents. We were sad for a long time, and we didn’t raise it for two years in between.

I’ve always wanted to have a bichon. It happened that I quit my job last year, and I had more time, so I went to the kennel to buy one.

It only weighed more than two pounds at that time, and its personality was clingy, like a small mop. Wherever you go, it follows. Whether it’s a bathroom, a balcony, or a kitchen, it will follow wherever it is. So I’m especially afraid of stepping on it.

Later, I went to Sanya for three days and two nights. I bought a camera specifically to see it.

As a result, I turned on the camera and found that it had been lying still at the door.


When I’m at home, it touches here and there, wanders around curiously, and loves playing with toys. But after I left, it was just sticking to the door, just waiting.

And I found that it doesn’t even drink water. If I was at home, I would have to drink eight or nine times.

I thought it was pathetic at the time. At the same time I thought it was really nice.

Even dogs of the same breed have different personalities. In some cases, it will dismantle the house, dismantling the sofa cushions to the ground.


On the day I went back right away, the automatic feeder suddenly ran out of food. Through the camera, I watched him face the feeder, waiting for the dog food to come out like he was counting the time. But the dog food didn’t come out.

It was eaten in the morning that day, and the machine was stuck in the afternoon. I took the flight at 8 o’clock in the evening, and it was estimated that it was almost 12 o’clock when I got home, which was equivalent to Kiki having not eaten all day.

At that time, I was very worried, very anxious, and kept calling it in the camera, but the feeder still had no food. It was also in a hurry and kept looking at the feeder. I want to change my signature, but I can’t.

I can’t wait to fly back immediately, wondering if it will be desperate because it can’t eat.

Since then, I have never travelled far. Even if you go out, you have to go back and forth within a day, and you will not spend the night outside. During the period, I will also use the camera to take a look at Kiki.

I used to be a travel person, going to four or five places every year. But since I got Kiki, I take it with me when I’m near, and I don’t want to go far away. It’s like raising a child.

Like my friend asked me to play in Chongqing before, I was tangled up and down, and after thinking about it for a long time, I pushed it. I can’t worry about it.

I don’t think it’s a burden, I think it’s mainly a concern. It may make you lose a little bit of freedom, that is, a little bit, but you will gain a different kind of happiness.

It’s hard for me to say what’s the funniest thing about being with Kiki right now, because it’s like raising kids, everything about it, you find it fun.

For example, with my feet on the ground and Kiki sleeping with my head on my slippers, I find it funny.

Or maybe I’m playing with it and I’m throwing it at it, then it throws it at me, I throw it at it, and it throws it at me again. As a result, it suddenly took the toy away and stopped coming.

He even said that he went to the toilet and looked at me while he was on the toilet. I found it very interesting. This is a different kind of happiness.



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