
What is the best way to dispose of pet ashes?

Responsible owners keep pets from beginning to end, thus witnessing their life. Pets accompany their owners throughout their lives, with warmth and cuteness. When one day they finally leave for various reasons, how should the remains be properly handled?

If your pet dies, you have the following options for handling the remains:

First, don’t bury it directly! ! ! ! (important things first)

Second, cremation is also a treatment method. You can find a special company to help.

Third, if the death is due to illness, the pet hospital will also help to deal with it.
First, burying pets that have died from infectious diseases is not recommended. If not handled properly, the harm will be even greater.

Second, cremation is the safest way to deal with it. There can be a special company to pick up your pet for cremation.

At the same time, if the pet is sick at this time, the hospital helps to dispose of the body, and it can be handed over directly to the hospital, so that there is no need to worry about the spread of some infectious germs on the dog.

Finally, the disposal of pet ashes in the monastery is a very meritorious thing for the pet owner and the pet itself, which can help the pet to better travel to the afterlife.

There is no need for permanent storage. After a period of storage, the pet owner can choose whether to bury it under the temple tree or take it home according to his needs.
The above is the way to deal with pet remains, according to their economic ability and actual life. May every pet that died rest in peace.

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