AnimalPet Training

Eight common mistakes pet parents make

From not training pups to handle loud noises to feeding them too much, a first-time pet parent lists the most common errors that dog parents can make

Just like raising a human child, raising a dog is a constant process of trial and error. Perhaps, more errors because one is dealing with a different species that, though, loves humans, communicates and behaves differently.

Every time I see my two-year-old Dogo Argentino, the so-called fearless dog, pace the house in a panicked state on hearing sounds of dhols or fire crackers, panting heavily and refusing to eat, I regret not desensitising him to loud sounds when he came home to me and my husband as a four-month-old puppy. We sent him to a professional canine trainer to teach him and ourselves how to handle him. We learnt how to make him follow our sit, stay and wait commands. We socialised him, made sure he has a perfect recall, ensured he didn’t jump on people and so much more. Yet, we missed a few common things, which when taught as a puppy would have been much better. Turns out, most parents make these common mistakes.

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