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Does your pet fart?

Dogs and cats fart.
Common causes of dog farting include:
1. If the dog does not exercise much, the gastrointestinal motility will slow down and there will be fart. It is recommended that the owner take the dog to do appropriate exercise every day, such as using a Frisbee to play with it or take it out for a walk.
2. If the dog eats too quickly and inhales the air, it will cause fart. It is recommended that the owner train the dog to eat slowly or use a food distribution bowl for feeding.
3. If a dog is fed a large amount of fermentable food, it will cause the dog to fart, and a large amount of fermented food will lead to the destruction of the dog’s gastrointestinal flora structure. It is recommended that the owner feed the dog some probiotics and rub the dog lightly. A dog’s stomach helps digestion and exhausts.
4. Changing the dog’s food suddenly will cause intestinal allergies, fart and diarrhea. It is recommended that the owner adopt the 7-day food change method to change the food.

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