EncyclopediaPet Training

Common sense that novice dog owners must know

Many novice parents are very confused when they raise a dog for the first time. They don’t know what to do. When the dog is brought home for the first time, what should the dog eat? Is it okay to take a bath if your dog is dirty? Come and learn about the precautions for novice parents when raising dogs.

1. Eliminate anxiety

When a dog is in a new and unfamiliar environment, it is normal to feel lonely and scared. At this time, the puppy is easy to bark, so don’t be impatient or beat and scold it, otherwise the puppy will be afraid of your owner, and it will be difficult to communicate in the future.

Little common sense: Prepare enough water and food for him, as well as a warm and comfortable bed or cushion, so that he can feel your kindness to reduce his fear.

2. Pay attention to your diet

After the anxiety is eliminated, the dog will eat and drink with confidence, but this behavior is a big test for puppies with weak resistance. A good seller will tell the new owner all the puppy’s usual eating habits, so that the new owner can easily feed the puppy.

Little common sense: Eating small meals often is the best eating habit for dogs. Feed a little less at each meal, and you can eat more times, which not only helps the dog control the food intake, reduces the burden on the stomach, but also is less likely to cause gastrointestinal problems.

3. Do not take a shower right away

The dog will not adapt to a new environment when it first arrives. At this time, the resistance of the puppy is still quite weak. It is easy for him to catch a cold when bathed, and it can cause deadly diseases such as dog distemper, so be sure to take it home. Remember not to rush it to bathe.

Common sense: you can wipe it with a damp towel, or sprinkle some prickly heat powder on its fur to reduce the odor. Wait for it to adapt to the new environment before giving it a bath, and pay attention to keeping warm after washing, otherwise the dog may catch a cold.

4. Do not eat meat and milk

Maybe you think your dog is weak and want to feed him something nutritious. But this approach is wrong. In particular, the gastrointestinal tract of puppies is quite fragile, prone to vomiting and diarrhea, and meat and milk are both foods that are likely to cause gastrointestinal problems in dogs.

Little common sense: The safest diet for dogs is dog food and boiled water. Although it is a little light, it will not cause any problems. In addition, it is best to let the dog eat the original dog food during the initial period of your raising, and then gradually replace it with other dog food.

5. Don’t rush to deworming

Deworming is very important for dogs, but deworming the puppy when it first arrives at your home can cause your dog to become sick or fearful. For internal parasites that are not very serious, the owner should tolerate it first.

Little common sense: For dogs with ectoparasites, it is best to keep them in a cage. Putting a flea collar on your dog is the least terrifying way to do it. After the dog has adapted to the new environment, eats well and sleeps well, it is not too late to deworm.

6. Go out on a leash

Injuries from fights with unfamiliar dogs, being hit by cars, and being frightened and lost are all caused by not giving dogs a leash. Dogs who do not know their habits very well can easily lose control when they go out and have emergencies.

Little common sense: If you want to take your new dog out, even if it is not used to it, it should not be without a leash. You can train it to adapt to the leash and develop a good habit from the beginning.

7. Remember to get vaccinated

One or two weeks after the dog enters the door, after the dog has adapted to the environment, it should be vaccinated for the dog, which can prevent most infectious diseases that are deadly to dogs, and the rabies vaccine must be vaccinated. Illness, things can get very troublesome.

8. Watch the dog

If the puppy has no appetite, lethargy or abnormal reactions such as runny nose, cough, diarrhea, and vomiting after arriving at the new home, you should take it to the hospital for a check.

Little common sense: The sooner a dog’s disease is detected and treated, the more likely it is that the dog will survive.

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