Cat’s Grumpy Reaction to Waking Up Is All of Us in the Morning

Most of us don’t like waking up in the morning. A select few consider themselves early birds, but many prefer to sleep in, and we take a while to shake the cobwebs from our brains in the morning. One cat is behaving exactly like her fellow sleepyheads in this adorable video.

TikTok user @leiatok916 recently shared a video of his tabby cat, Leia, waking up in the morning. In the video, this kitty seems to be a bit displeased at being woken, and her reaction is too relatable. Check out the video to see Leia battle her morning sleepies!

Awww, Leia is so cute. This kitty sure isn’t ready to wake up, and she certainly let her dad know! Hopefully she was able to sleep for a few more hours before beginning her very busy day of napping and eating.

People in the comments were convinced Leia was actually talking. @brokersnose said, “I swear that kitty is talking human words there,” and @pochuri commented, “Best conversation ever. The kitty’s face is priceless.” This is the same conversation we have with our cats every day!
Others found Leia’s refusal to get out of bed very relatable. @eiko34 commented, “This is me in the morning talking to the alarm on my phone,” and @choley87 said, “I found my spirit animal! That’s me EVERY morning.” This cat is definitely relatable for all of us night owls!

It’s very unfair that Leia’s dad made her get out of bed at 11 a.m. It’s way too early! We hope he made it up to her with an extra special breakfast and cuddles on the couch.

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