EncyclopediaPet Training

Can dogs eat fruit?

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Dogs can eat fruit, but it is not recommended to eat too much, because pears are high in sugar, and excessive consumption can easily cause physical discomfort. It is not recommended to feed grapes, lychees and other foods, which will affect the normal development of dogs and avoid the occurrence of physical diseases. Feed some lean meat in moderation and eat it with fruit to ensure a balanced energy supplement.

Dogs can eat pears. Pears are rich in vitamins and a variety of nutrients. Eating some in moderation can add water and have a good effect on treating coughs. However, pears contain a lot of sugar, and eating too much can easily cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

You can eat some apples, watermelons, strawberries, bananas and other foods in moderation. These foods have certain benefits for the body and hair. However, grapes, walnuts, lychees, sugar cane and other foods cannot be eaten, which can easily damage kidney function and cause kidney failure, which is not good for health.

It is recommended to feed some meat, which is rich in protein and a variety of minerals, which can supplement the energy needed by the body. However, it is not recommended to feed fat meat. Fat meat contains a lot of oil, which is difficult to digest after eating, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and cause symptoms such as enteritis.

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