AnimalPet Training

Answers to pet questions: Can squirrels be pets?

Squirrels can be pets. Common pet squirrels include devil squirrels, snow squirrels, and red-bellied squirrels. Devil king squirrels are lively and active, but wild and easy to bite; snow squirrels have brown-red fur in summer and pure white in winter, with a high appearance; red-bellied squirrels are easy to be relatives and have strong interactions.

▼The devil squirrel is lively The devil squirrel is smart, lively and active, and can’t rest all day long. Some of them have a bad temper and bite their masters at every turn, which is also in line with the “personality” of the “devil king”. Some excrement shovelers think that it may not start raising baby rats, so it likes to bite people. For small animals such as squirrels, baby rats may not be able to survive. It is easier to survive from 2 months old. Raising the devil king squirrel must cut its nails frequently so that it is not easy to be scratched by it.
▼Snow squirrels are docile and docile Snow squirrels have a docile personality. In winter, their coat will change from orange red to snow white. After the snow squirrel is trained, it will not go to the toilet in its own bedroom, and it is more clean. It only needs to change the urine pad every day, and there is no smell. Snow squirrels can get close to people, they won’t be mad like the devil, and the chance of biting people is small.
▼Red-bellied squirrels are the most clingy. They are like little babies, following their masters around, but they don’t understand the wink. When you don’t want to play with them, they will come and pull them from time to time. I like them Climb on the owner’s shoulders, and can sleep in the owner’s hands. The defense against the trusting owner is low. The shit shovel who likes to be sticky by little guys can choose the red-bellied squirrel.

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