Pet Trainingzoo

After seeing the snow for the first time, the panda rolled in the snow with excitement!

As China’s national treasure, pandas are naturally favored by everyone. Every time I see those who watch pandas in the zoo, they seem to want to rush in and pick them up for a while, because they look so cute. It’s likable.

Maybe everyone’s reaction to seeing snow for the first time is very excited, thinking that they can finally build a snowman! And a recent group of photos of pandas taken at Sichuan Zoo in China has also become popular on the Internet. This panda is called Huanhuan, and usually has a very lively personality. He often makes interesting moves to make everyone happy.

The weather has gotten colder recently, and it has started to snow in parts of Sichuan. The panda was accompanied by the breeder to play outdoors. At first, it was really excited to see the snow. It rushed outside on its own. Later, it jumped up happily in the snow and kept running in the snow. roll.

I can really feel the joy of pandas through the screen, and the breeders are very happy to see this.

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