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Adorable Baby Bat Recovering After Being ‘Roughed Up’ by Dogs

Adorable Baby Bat Recovering After Being ‘Roughed Up’ by Dogs
Wed, 15 June 2022, 6:05 pm
An adorable baby bat is recovering after a dog attack, thanks to Queensland-based carers who have been nurturing her back to health.

Footage posted online by Denise Wade, who has been caring for injured baby bats for more than a decade, shows the young bat — named June — looking a little worse for wear after the incident.

In the video, a volunteer named Bec can be heard explaining: “We think that perhaps her mum left the colony and had an accident and wasn’t able to return.”

“She’s not big enough to be flying for herself, but if they are left in a colony without their mums, they’ll sometimes try to go and find their own food,” she said.

According to the video caption, June was “roughed up” by two dogs, and it’s “a miracle” that she survived.

Fortunately, more recent footage of June shared on June 7 shows the pup in good health. Credit: Batzilla the Bat via Storyful

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