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A woman keeps a crocodile as a pet and takes it to the park for a walk

A young woman in the United States led a crocodile to the park to cool off, causing a small commotion. According to the “New York Post” report, on August 26, local time, tourists in a park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gathered next to the fountain to cool off in the high temperature weather. As a result, a young woman appeared in the square with an alligator. .

The alligator, named Wally, was held by the young woman on a leash collar that read: Emotional Support Pet.


Wally did startle the rest of the park visitors when he first appeared, but since he was so friendly and petted by strangers, people gradually became less afraid of him.

That day, Miller, who was walking with his young daughter in the park, said: “There were many people taking pictures around. The woman holding the crocodile was with her family. They were very friendly. There were also some people who went to interact with the crocodile and pet it.”

Crocodiles as emotional support pets are nothing new. In 2020, Joey Henry, a 65-year-old man from Pennsylvania, also kept an alligator named Wally as an emotional support pet, who accompanied him when he refused medication while he was suffering from depression It gave him great emotional help. Henry once said: “When I’m with Wally, I feel better.” However, it is not known whether the alligator named Wally owned by Henry is the same alligator found in the park recently.

Alligators are known to be among the most ferocious predators on the planet, and while it’s legal to keep alligators as pets in some states, including Pennsylvania, wildlife experts are pushing for new laws prohibiting Keep crocodiles as pets. Because these crocodiles are often abandoned when they grow too large for their owners to care for them.

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