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5 Top most suitable domestic pet dogs, do you have your baby?

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What kind of dog is good to keep? It is a problem that most friends often think about and need to face. The personality of the owner is also related to the choice of pet breeds. Are you suitable for raising an enthusiastic golden retriever, or a naughty and cute teddy, or a sensible and smart puller? how about brado

1. Border Collie

The collie is the first dog in the IQ, so the owner can train the border collie, and the border collie will soon learn; beautiful appearance, the border collie is known as the canine panda because it is black and white The distribution of colors is similar to that of pandas, especially the puppies under 60 days old, with a round body and a waddle gait, more like a red panda; warm and cautious, Bian Mu is very warm to people; quick response and perfect bounce. It’s easy to lose hair.

2. Golden Retriever

docile, friendly to humans and not hurt at will; smart and understanding. Golden Retriever ranks fourth in the IQ ranking of dogs; good coordination of movement, good at various outdoor sports; lively and cheerful by nature; good stomach, compared to dogs such as Alaska and Huskies; beautiful and inevitable when walking the dog There will be a sense of pride; the body size is more suitable for domestication; the body odor is not very strong and obvious, which is also related to the owner’s attention to hygiene; likes water and swimming; does not disturb the people, some dogs will growl because the owner is not at home, the general situation The golden retriever will not. It’s easy to lose hair.

3. Teddy

Teddy dogs are small in size, smart and sensitive, agile, run fast, and very lively; they eat very little, have little hair, and the cost of monthly food intake is not very large. They do not require special space and are suitable for raising in suites; The dog is clingy and gentle, he especially likes to play with small children and is easy to train. Teddy dogs are not easy to shed, and many common golden retrievers, Alaska and other hairs grow into the shedding season and take time to clean up.

4. Corgi

Smart, easy to care for, easy to train, combined with their cute appearance and behavior, they can add a lot of fun to our daily lives.

5. Doberman

The advantages are lively and cheerful personality, friendly to family members but very vigilant to strangers, small appetite and light body odor; good appearance, slender legs, looks fierce, mighty, and strong obedience, women who live alone can consider walking bodyguard. Strong physique, not easy to get sick; high IQ, easy to train; docile personality, good temper.

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