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Owner celebrates birthday for 23-year-old cat

From duck boats to sports stadiums, these tourist activities are popular for a reason.

It’s called Lily, a cat grandma born in 1999.


On the 11th birthday of the owner, Reece, Lily, who had just turned three months old, drilled out its little head from the gift box, and it was the “meow” that jumped out impatiently, which opened a different life for one person and one cat.


As a student, Reece lived with his parents.

Although his father loved Lily as much as he did, he would never allow a snowy Llily to go upstairs.

However, no matter how his father turned Lily away,

There’s always a way for the little guy to get into Reece’s room.


“It would climb up the roof and enter my room through the window,” recalls Reece.

“You can’t imagine how surprised I was when it fell from the sky and jumped on my desk!”


Reece said that during the most important stage of his life, Lily was by his side without hesitation.

In difficult days, Lily was his only support.

“It accompanied me through middle school, college, watching me fall in love and break up. For 23 years, it has been like my emotional radar, always snuggling by my side when I am sad.”


Lily became more approachable as she got older.

It is no longer implicitly always showing a superior look, but always expresses its love for Reece bluntly.


In March, Lily celebrated its 23rd birthday,

Equivalent to 100 years of human age.


Fortunately, under Reece’s careful care,

Except for the inconvenience of legs and feet, Lily is in good health.


In order to make it easier for the elderly Lily to get on the sofa, Reece also thoughtfully prepared small steps.


Reece said: “I don’t know when Lily will leave me, but fortunately, in its life, I have never been absent.”

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