What should I do if the dog’s skin turns black and thickens in a scientifically raised pet?

When the dog’s skin turns black and thick, it is mostly infected with a skin disease. What should the shit shoveler do?

1. Why is it blackened and thickened?

If the dog’s skin is parasitized by mites, it will cause the skin to appear black and thick, and the mites will also cause the dog to lose a lot of hair, hair follicles swell, skin flushing, etc., and the dog’s skin will also cause fungal infection. The skin is blackened, and there are round ringworm spots and gray scales falling off, itching, redness and blackening of the skin, etc. Dog endocrine disorders can also cause skin pigmentation and skin keratinization.

2. This will also cause blackening

In addition to skin diseases, the darkening of the dog’s skin can also cause skin discoloration due to shaving. After the dog’s hair is shaved for a long time or does not grow new hair in time, it will cause pigmentation on the dog’s skin. So don’t shave your dog’s hair casually. In addition, excessive licking of hair can also make the dog’s skin darken, and as the dog grows older, the pigmentation of the dog’s skin leads to discoloration.

3. How to solve

When the dog’s skin turns black and thick, it is necessary to go to the pet hospital for scraping and hormone examination in time. After confirming the cause, treat the symptoms. For skin diseases caused by mites and fungal infections, antifungal agents and practical anthelmintics should be applied For treatment, if the pigmentation is caused by endocrine disorders, the dog should be sterilized or changed food in time.

4. Drug treatment

For fungal skin diseases, you can spray Funuoen Spray or Pet Ringer Spray. For dermatitis caused by mites and allergies, you can use oxidative ointment or Pet Ling Herbal Antibacterial Ointment. Regularly do external deworming and medicated baths for dogs , You can give dogs oral vitamin B to enhance skin immunity and speed up skin recovery.

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