What should be paid attention to when raising cats in summer?

It is said that summer is suitable for raising cats. After all, cats like heat and are afraid of cold, but did you know that there are many precautions for raising cats in summer, which is not as simple as shit shovelers think.

Today, veterinarian Xiao Ming will give you some knowledge about raising cats in summer.

1. Never shave a cat like a dog

Seeing that before the official arrival of summer, many parents send their pets to shave, in the name of cooling them down, but in fact, the reason is more because they are afraid of their hair loss.


It’s okay to shave dogs. Many dogs are originally raised rough, but veterinarian Xiao Ming who shaves cats is really incomprehensible. After you shave all the hair of others, what will they lick when they are free in the future!

In addition, shaving the cat’s hair not only fails to achieve the purpose of cooling down, but also exposes the cat’s skin to the sun, not to mention burning the cat’s skin, and may cause skin diseases, which is really harmful but not beneficial.

2. Pay attention to the amount of food you feed your cat

The weather is so hot in summer, not only people will lose their appetite, but also cats, who may not be able to eat a few cat food for a meal.

If dry food is recommended, the excrement shoveler can feed it separately. For example, in the past, it was fed 2 meals a day, but in summer it was changed to about 4 meals a day. In addition, the amount of food should be reduced. Don’t leave too much, so that the cat Eat “overnight meal”.


If you are feeding wet food, you should pay more attention to it. Wet food is easy to deteriorate after a long time at high temperature, so the excrement shoveler pours less at a time into the cat bowl, and puts the rest in the refrigerator to refrigerate.

3. Be careful of cats getting “air-conditioning disease”

Some shit shovelers are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, but they can’t bear to let the cat heat up. Even if they are not at home, they turn on the air conditioner for the cat 24 hours a day, for fear that the cat will be overheated.

However, veterinarian Xiao Ming once said that cats are resistant to heat but are afraid of cold. Keeping cats in a low-temperature environment for a long time is the most likely to cause cats to suffer from “air-conditioning disease”. The air conditioner is sick. At this time, the excrement shoveler needs to feed the cat cold medicine and observe again.

4. Pay attention to cat heatstroke

Although it is said that cats are less likely to suffer from heat stroke indoors, it does not mean that there is no such thing.


In the case of continuous high temperature, cats cannot lower their body temperature due to poor heat dissipation, and their body functions will decline, leading to heatstroke in cats.

If the cat has symptoms of elevated body temperature (normal temperature is 37 degrees) and dyspnea, the excrement shoveler should consider whether the cat is suffering from heat stroke. Move the cat to a cool place and feed the cat water. If the cat has symptoms If it doesn’t go away, consider going to the doctor.

5. Doors and windows must be closed!

In order to make the house cooler, many shit shovelers will open the doors and windows to ventilate, which may have caused an irreparable tragedy.

If the cat accidentally falls from the window or runs out of the house, it will cause great hidden danger to their life safety, and it will be too late to regret it.

6. Prevent cats from being infected with parasites

Summer is the season when cats are most likely to be infected with parasites, please know.


Summer is the most active season for mosquitoes and fleas. If cats eat hosts with larvae, such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, or contaminated food, they may be infected with parasites.

If you find that the cat frequently rubs against the anus or has worms in the stool, or the cat often has loose diarrhea, it may be caused by parasites, and you need to take the cat for relevant inspections and deworming in time.

7. Try to choose physical mosquito repellent methods

Some mosquito repellent products on the market now, such as electric mosquito coils and liquid mosquito coils, will contain a certain amount of pyrethrins. If cats inhale too much pyrethrins, it will cause cat poisoning and damage the cat’s liver, especially for old cats and their bodies. For weak kittens, the damage is more obvious, so veterinarian Xiao Ming suggested that the excrement shoveler should use physical mosquito repellent.

In fact, in addition to the 7 points mentioned above, there are still many things that shovelers need to pay attention to, such as feeding cats to drink more water and increasing their drinking water, such as cleaning the cat’s food and water basins regularly, and feeding cats more staple food , less food supplements for cats and so on.

All in all, there are a lot of points to pay attention to in raising cats in summer, and the shit shovelers must take care of them. Now that we have decided to raise cats, we have to take good care of them all year round!

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