What are the symptoms of roundworms in the dog’s stomach?

Ascaris parasitizing in dogs will multiply rapidly. More and more roundworms will absorb the nutrition of dogs and damage the gastrointestinal environment. Dogs will suffer from body weight loss, pica, and bean sprout-like living worms in the feces, which is serious. Sometimes the dog may vomit roundworms. It is recommended that pet owners take their dogs to deworm in time. Pet owners who are inexperienced can refer to the following.


1. Choose the right anthelmintic

Deworming dogs The owner should carefully choose the deworming medicine. A good deworming medicine can drive away the parasites in the intestines, and it will not cause adverse reactions to the dog, such as meowing and clearing pets. It contains levamisole hydrochloride. Levamisole hydrochloride tablets have a good effect on roundworms, hookworms, pinworms and strongyloidiasis. The owner only needs to feed the dog according to the instructions. The method is very simple.

Pet owners should deworm their dogs on time according to their own conditions. For example, puppies usually deworm every three months, and adult dogs need to give them deworming once every six months. Dogs that eat more raw meat should be dewormed more frequently.


2. Adverse reactions after deworming

Dogs have different physiques and have different reactions to the deworming medicines they eat. Some dogs with weaker physiques will suffer from poor spirits, diarrhea, and vomiting after taking the deworming medicine. These are also normal phenomena, and pet owners don’t need to worry too much. At this time, the owner can fast the dog for half a day to reduce the burden on the dog’s stomach, and then give the dog Wang Yizhi to coordinate the disordered flora.


3. The environment is clean and the diet is hygienic

Some microeggs can survive for weeks to months in some environments, and it is recommended that you clean up your yard weekly and minimize wandering pets in high-risk areas such as parks.

As the saying goes, disease enters through the mouth. Dogs infected with intestinal parasites have a lot to do with their mouths, such as eating the feces of other dogs by mistake, eating raw meat by mistake, etc. Therefore, pet owners need to pay special attention to the dog’s daily life and diet, pay attention to the cleanliness of the dog’s drinking water and food, prevent the dog from foraging outside at will, isolate it from other sick dogs, and do not feed the dog raw meat and water.

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