Nine Ways to Relieve Arthritis in Dogs

If a dog unfortunately suffers from arthritis, it is actually as painful as a human being, but the poop shoveler can choose an appropriate method to relieve it according to the situation of his dog. Here are 9 ways to relieve the pain of arthritis in dogs Methods.


1 Lose weight or control your weight

Being overweight will cause additional damage to the arthritic joints, and the joint problem will be more serious under the secondary injury. The pet’s front legs support 60% of the weight, and the rear legs support 40% of the weight. Therefore, losing weight is important for the front legs ( shoulder, elbow or wrist) are especially important

2. When the pet loses weight and reaches the ideal weight, parents can switch to the “arthritis diet”, which is usually rich in glucosamine, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). This diet has the essential nutrients

So can be used for life, however, they are not suitable for growing pets and should only be used on adult pets.

3 control movement

Inactivity can lead to muscle atrophy and reduced range of motion in joints, and despite the discomfort, it’s important to keep exercising. Often, a slow walk is ideal, with gradual increases in exercise time. For example, start with five minutes a day, 2 to 5 times a week, and then increase by 5 minutes each time, so walking will help keep your muscles strong and your joints flexible


4 Physiotherapy

For example, walking PT on an underwater treadmill, beginning with a warm-up and ending with a cool-down as therapy, has a huge impact on a pet’s life.

5 anti-inflammatory drugs

The most commonly used pain relievers for arthritis pain are non-inflammatory anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Non-SAIDs are not used every day. By the way, please don’t use human drugs in pets without full veterinary approval

6 pain relievers

Because dog arthritis pain relief is a long-term process, not overnight, you can eat Chinese medicine Ai Pet Gu Lijian, there is no side effect for dogs, and the pain relief effect is also good

7 Environmental changes

It is important to always keep your pet on a thick, soft, clean pad and not on tile or linoleum (although some pets seem to prefer it) Minimize access to stairs and don’t elevate food and water bowls. In winter, be extra careful on the ice. Pets can be seriously injured after slipping and falling on ice.


8 Periodic reassessment

Investigate the inspection plan based on the progress of the pet. For example, if you want your pet to lose weight, monthly weighing is important to track your progress, the amount of food may need to be adjusted, otherwise, if you continue to feed the same amount of food, the weight may plateau. Likewise, pain medications can be changed or dosed (as recommended by your veterinarian) based on your pet’s condition.

9 surgery

In some cases, surgery is an excellent way to treat arthritis, ranging from simple procedures (removal of cartilage and parts of bone) to more complex procedures such as fusion joints or total joint replacements. But maintenance after surgery is also essential, use joint health care products to maintain health and reduce postoperative recurrence.

Dogs with arthritis at home can try these nine methods, which can help the dog relieve the pain caused by the dog’s arthritis, and persist for a long time, and can also improve the dog’s bone quality.

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