Is it okay for kittens to eat trace elements?

1: extra supplement

Trace elements are important elements that cats need for growth, and the supplementation of trace elements is also very important. There are many ways to ingest them from diet, drinking water, and nutritional products. If the cat lacks trace elements, there will be changes in the sense of taste and smell, and it is easy to eat indiscriminately, leading to adverse reactions. Below you can refer to the following specific measures to help cats supplement enough trace elements.

2. Obtained from food


There are many choices of cat food, so when choosing, pay attention to choosing cat food that is low in salt and fat and meets the current needs of cats. In addition to cat food, cats should also be given proper amount of nutritional cream and canned food to help cats supplement their nutrition. If the owner has time, he can also give the cat cooked meat such as chicken breast, beef, etc., with fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, broccoli, and lettuce to help the cat achieve balanced nutrition and supplement the required trace elements.


If the lack of trace elements in cats is more serious, obvious symptoms appear, such as growth stagnation, loss of taste, lack of appetite, anorexia, abnormal eating, poor wound healing, etc. So in addition to paying attention to daily food supplements, the owner should also feed the cat some additional nutrients to help supplement the required trace elements. It is recommended to feed cats with trace elements such as Minweiqu to help restore normal physiological functions and get rid of the troubles caused by the lack of trace elements.


3. Pay attention to deworming In addition, once the cat’s stomach is not good, it will affect the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients, and then hinder the supply of trace elements. Therefore, the owner should take good care of the cat’s gastrointestinal function. The key measure is to regularly feed cats with Miao Wang Qing pets for deworming, to help get rid of the troubles caused by parasites, and to care for gastrointestinal health.

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