How to Help Your Dog Get Well Faster When It Has a Cold

Because dogs spend a lot of time outdoors and may have long walks in sub-zero temperatures, they are especially susceptible to colds during the colder months of the year. Vladimir Grubev, chairman of the Russian Canine Federation, told the Russian Satellite News Agency about what pets are sick and how to help them.


He pointed out that don’t apply the understanding of “cold” that people are accustomed to to dogs. Don’t immediately judge that a dog has a cold based on symptoms such as sneezing, cold, cough and fever. It could be another disease.

Things like loss of appetite, listlessness, who or restless behavior, elevated body temperature (normal body temperature is 37.5 to 39 degrees), Grubev explained. Difficulty breathing, wheezing or coughing, discharge from eyes and nose, sneezing, dizziness, frequent ear scratching, discharge from ears.

He said: “All these symptoms may be caused by catching a cold. If the dog has a strong immune system, a good appetite, and good genetics, then basically a cold is not terrible. The body may fight the disease independently, and in a little It can cope with discomfort very quickly.”

That’s why it’s especially important to maintain a dog’s immunity and avoid factors like allergies, infection with parasites, an unbalanced diet, stress or hypothermia that can weaken it, Grubev said.

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