Does one pregnancy reduce a cat’s lifespan?

Can a cat’s pregnancy shorten its lifespan?
One pregnancy in a cat will reduce life expectancy, and cat birth is very harmful to cats and is irreversible. If the owner wants to reduce this damage, he can do this: If he wants the cat to give birth, wait for the female cat to mature before breeding. It is best to give birth only once a year, and after two or three births, do not give birth again. If you don’t want the cat to give birth, you can take it directly to the veterinary hospital for sterilization.

​​​​​​​Does Cat Pregnancy Reduce Lifespan?

The gestation period of a mother cat is generally two months. After giving birth, the kitten needs to be fed for a month or two to leave the litter. Regardless of the mother cat’s physical condition, the mother cat can be allowed to give birth again after the kitten leaves the litter, so theoretically A female cat can produce 3-4 litters a year. The mother cat gives birth frequently, the body does not have time to rest, and the nutrition is not sufficient, and the physique will decline.

When a mother cat gives birth to kittens, it consumes a lot of body. In addition to her mood becoming anxious during pregnancy, some female cats will also change their temperament after giving birth. Frequent births may also reduce the lifespan of the female cat. If the cat is not for economic value, but just want to have a cute furry child, it is best not to let the mother cat give birth frequently, so that it can accompany the owner for a longer time. The production of kittens by a mother cat is not only a consumption of physical energy, but also produces a strong hormone secretion each time it is produced, which will seriously endanger the health of the mother cat for a long time.

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