Do cats shed hair when they are stressed?

The cat is a timid and vigilant animal. When the cat feels that the external environment is unsafe, it will have a strong stress response, so it will be nervous and lose a lot of hair. At this time, the owner needs to appease the cat’s emotions and Give him some care, except when the fur is nervous, the cat will also abandon the fur under the following circumstances. The owner can understand:


1. Seasonal hair loss.

Due to the change of weather, the hormones in the cat’s body will also change. When using it in summer, its long hair will fall off, and in winter, it will become long hair, which can keep warm. During this period, the owner should pay more attention to helping the cat to comb and supplement corresponding nutrition.


2. Malnutrition and loss of hair.

If the cat’s hair starts to break easily and looks dull, it means that the cat may be malnourished or unbalanced. Cats with weak stomach and intestines are not easy to absorb nutrients and cause hair. Vitamins trace elements and calcium to prevent cats from hair loss due to malnutrition.


3. Bathing is unreasonable.

Cat hair should not be bathed too much, nor can it be bathed with human body wash, which will cause the acid-base imbalance of cat skin and hair loss. The number of cat baths should be controlled at 1-2 times a month, and special interesting cat shampoo should be used for protection Cat hair is healthy.


4. Skin diseases.

If a cat suddenly loses a lot of hair, and the hair is fragile and easy to fall off, and even the skin can be seen, then the cat may suffer from tinea felis skin disease. The owner must pay attention to regularly disinfect the cat’s living environment.

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