Can puppies who were born in February catch a cold and heal themselves?

Two-month-old puppies are not yet fully developed, and their physique is relatively poor, so it is difficult to heal themselves after a cold. Therefore, pet owners need to take corresponding measures to help the dog recover and prevent the dog from getting worse.


1. Provide warmth

When the puppy catches a cold, the pet owner needs to prepare warm clothes for the dog in time, and appropriately reduce the number of times of going out. At the same time, keep the room dry and ventilated to allow the air to circulate and reduce the time the virus stays in the air. During this period, do not bathe or vaccinate the dog, so as not to aggravate the condition, and do not blow fans or air conditioners on the dog for a long time in hot weather.


2. Strengthen nutrition

After the puppies catch a cold, the pet mainly asks the dog to drink more warm water to replenish the water in the dog’s body. If the dog urinates more, it is very good for the cold, so the pet mainly prepares some fresh warm water for the dog drink. Due to physical discomfort, the puppy’s appetite is not very good, and insufficient nutritional intake will affect recovery. Therefore, pet owners need to feed their dogs some nutritious liquid food, such as goat milk powder, chicken soup, meat porridge, etc., and add a sense of fun as a nutritional supplement during the period to maintain normal physiological functions. If necessary, it can be fed with Wang Meow Amo to help reduce physical discomfort and let the dog get rid of trouble as soon as possible.


3. Other care

During this period, the pet owner also needs to pay attention to other aspects of the puppies. If there are frequent tears and red eyes, the puppies should clean their eyes and use Wang Muqing to help care for the eyes and reduce eye discomfort. If the puppies have diarrhea due to catching a cold, the dog should be fasted for half a day, and Wang Yizhi will be fed during this period to help stabilize the intestinal flora and reduce the pressure on the stomach. In the follow-up, pay attention to keep the puppies’ belly warm, and lay a mat on the floor to prevent the puppies from directly touching the floor.

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