9 characteristics of cats before they get sick!

Cats are very patient, and they always bear the burden silently when they are sick, but there are 9 signs of cats being sick, and the owner can easily ignore them. How much do you know?


1. Abnormal food intake

It is normal for a healthy cat to eat. As usual, when the cat’s food intake is abnormal, it means that there is something wrong with the cat’s body. The cat’s appetite decreases, and if it does not eat for a long time, it may be caused by difficulty in eating. It is an oral problem, and if the cat’s food intake suddenly increases, the excrement shoveler should also be more vigilant, which is also a precursor to the cat’s illness.


2. I can’t cheer up

If the cat can’t cheer up, it must be sick. Because of being sick, feeling pain, and having a strong sense of abnormality in the body, the cat’s spirit will be in a depressed state, and it has no interest in anything. Make it feel happy, when you find that your cat’s mental state suddenly changes, the shit shovel officer will intervene in time.


3. Abnormal walking posture

Cats are very graceful when they walk. When the cat walks suddenly dragging its feet, and the soles of the feet dare not touch the ground, it means that the cat’s limbs are abnormal. Injured and bumped, walking posture is very strange.


4. Abnormal respiratory rate

When cats have abnormalities in their bodies, their breathing rate will also be abnormal. Generally, their breathing will become very rapid, and the sound of breathing will be more obvious. It is very uncomfortable to watch them panting. Cats can bear the pain very well. , but the pain can’t deceive people, but when the cat’s breathing abnormality lasts for a long time, the excrement shoveler should take the cat to the hospital for medical treatment in time.


5. Frequent drooling

The phenomenon of cat drooling is abnormal. The excrement shoveler should clean the cat’s mouth and observe. The gums of a normal and healthy cat are bright pink. If the cat’s gums are swollen and too bright red, it means that the cat’s mouth is swollen. Problematic, sometimes accompanied by bad breath.


6. Rub your butt

The reason why cats touch their butt is because of the unbearable itching, which also means that there are parasites in the cat’s body. These invaders will cause the cat’s “chrysanthemum” to be abnormal and uncomfortable. The cat will rub it to relieve the itching. Deworming cats to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and weight loss.


7. Frequent vomiting

Occasional vomiting of cats is due to eating foreign objects by mistake, and it may also be hairball disease. Yes, some of them are caused by parasitic infection, and the specific problem can only be known by looking at the test report.


8. Papa is abnormal

The cat’s normal poop is formed into strips. If the cat can’t pull out the poop and keeps meowing, it means that the cat is constipated. The excrement shoveler should add more water to the cat. If there is too much water, it means that the cat’s stomach is abnormal. , It may be caused by inflammation or parasitic infection, and sometimes it will have a sour smell. The excrement shoveler should strengthen the management of the cat’s gastrointestinal health.


Nine, urethral abnormalities

The feces of a cat can reveal the physical condition of the cat. The excrement shoveler should pay more attention to the urination problem of the cat. If there are problems such as dysuria and blood in the urine, the excrement shoveler should be more vigilant. This is probably the cat’s urinary tract. There are problems, such as anuria, stones and other diseases. Cats do not like to drink water, so the cat shoveler can feed the cat with snacks that can be soaked in water to indirectly increase the amount of water the cat drinks.

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